Strava for Little St. James
Geographic dictionary of the Virgin Islands of the United State 1925
Saint James Islands
; Group off east end of St Thomas Island, composed of Great St. James, Little St. James, Dog. I., Fish Cay, and some rocky islets. Called by the Spanish, Los Dos Santiagos.
Little Saint James
; Island, 142 feet high, 1,000 yards long, area 68.73 acres, south-southeast of Great St. James I. Variant forms of name: Klyn St. Jems, Petit St. James, Lille James Eyland, Lille St. James, Santiago Chico,
q. v. G. P., “James,” lat. 18” 18‘ 06.25” (192 m.) ; long. 64’ 49’ 37” (1,058 m.) ; summit of Island.
Lille James Eyland
; Little St. James Island, near St. Thomas.-Osholm. Compounded of Danish “Lille” (little), English “James,” Dutch, "Eyland" (Island)
Lille St. James
; Danish name of Little St. James I.,
Klyn St. Jems
; Early Dutch name of Little St. James I.
Klein St. Iames
; German equivalent of Little St. James I.
Petit St. James
; French for “Little St. James” Island.
Los Dos Santiagos
; Spanish, meaning " The Two Saints James" ; name of the St. James Islands,
Santiago Chico
; Spanish name Of Little St. James Island.
Santiago Grande; Spanish name Of Great St. James Island.
Virgin Islands of the United States:
"For 50 years, the United States contemplated the acquisition of the
Danish West Indies. The considerations involved were strategic, political, and commercial ; the safeguarding of the Monroe Doctrine, by preventing any strong power from establishing Sovereignty over the so-called
"Keystone of the Antilles"
; as well as securing to our country the control of the Caribbean Sea, and the Atlantic approach to the Panama Canal.
Negotiatlons looking to the cession were lnaugurated in 1865-1867, resumed in 1901-1903; finally a treaty was ratified by Denmark, December 22, 1916, by the United States, January 18, 1917, and proclaimed January 25, 1917. Purchase price, $25,OOO,OOO; noteworthy as the largest sum ever paid by our Government for any territorial acquisition, while the area annexed is the smallest." › rescuePDF
Geographic dictionary of the Virgin Islands of the United States - FTP Directory Listing - NOAA