Anonymous ID: 6da42b July 27, 2019, 6:41 p.m. No.7222998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3135

I think this is what/who Q was referring to in the

>>7222066 (lb Qdrop)


Green Building Council


"To align with Ri.MED’s sustainability goals, the team designed the BRBC campus as one of the world’s most environmentally responsive and resource-efficient research facilities. The design aims to achieve a minimum of LEED® Gold certification from the Green Building Council Italia."


Board of Directors


The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is comprised of more than 60 business leaders who are dedicated to driving a vibrant local economy and supporting our city’s


diverse communities.


Rob Tibbetts


Vice President | Marketing Principal




SF Airport construction…




Rob Tibbetts


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Sub Contractor


Join date


Jul 13, 2018


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Terminal 3, Boarding Area E Improvements Project 8974.B Sub Contractor

Anonymous ID: 6da42b July 27, 2019, 6:49 p.m. No.7223135   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the 11 spaces then "dk" make a sort of "HOK" in that the two verticals of the number 11 mostly form the "H" and the d(4) = O(15) if the number 1 preceding the number 5 is subtracted from it. I think it is being done this way to convey "multiple comms in one stringer"


Are the 5 spaces referring to the GATE E in San Francisco? That's where this company is. "93" makes us think of "flight" and flipped, it is also "36" or Clinton Foundation.


"93" flipped can also be 63 or "FE" - speaking of "planes" I don't want to get too "conspiratorial" but plane and F(6)lat E(3 looks like E)arth go together.


I can also see 5 and 11 representing JFK Jr, as clock hands at those positions = his birthdate (11:25) and the "dk]" at the end could represent "4 kennedy P@in" (]=23) and the "93" could be "63", the year of JFK's assassination.

Anonymous ID: 6da42b July 27, 2019, 7:02 p.m. No.7223395   🗄️.is 🔗kun



His tweet was at 3:55

This Qdrop was 3-10 (5+5=10)


More connections, but look at the delta between the two. All kinds of connections and VERY JFK + R themed.