Anonymous ID: 6de331 July 27, 2019, 6:25 p.m. No.7222709   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>2982

>>7222538 lb


#5499412 at 2019-03-04 16:05:54 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7031: Planned For Decades Edition


>>5498123 (lb) >>5498204 (lb) typo in Q drop leads to: anon wonders why would someone pay $20m for a property worth a fraction of that?

β†’ Thank You Q for the clue. (James 8. Corney) misspelling.

>>5498123 (lb)

>Digging led me to a strange area; it started when i posted about the spelling error in Q's post here >>5488382 (pb) (Q) [James 8 Corney vs James B Comey]. see >>5496725 (me) (pb).

>I got this response that led me to an address in Western Australia via 8 CORNEY ST. PORT HEDLAND WA.


Shout Out to the anon who did this dig, Well Done!

1st thing this am I saw that misspelling in the Q drop & hoped someone had started digging.


Allow me to add this to the research.

Port of Port Hedland, AU = Highest Tonnage Port In Australia


Port Hedland is one of the largest iron ore loading ports in the world and the largest in Australia. In 2011 it had the largest bulk cargo throughput in Australia. With the neighboring ports of Port Walcott and Dampier, Port Hedland is one of three major iron ore exporting ports in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.


(Some Take-Aways = 2 Big Areas to look)

1: High Traffic Thru Port - Conducive to (Traffic Humans & Illicit Goods) = (ie: Control of People)

2: High Tonnage Traffic of iron ore & other essential minerals. = (ie: Control of Resources)

  • Familiar name mentioned by wikipedia related to Port Hedland:

(Rio Tinto Group) - UK+AU Mining Corp.


Found this detail of interest. I have experience in the industrial & mining world.

There's been lots and lots of shuffling & reshuffling of mining operations WW in the last 30yrs as [USA Traitors] working for [The Cabal] sold out USA (Resource Production) = to the highest bidder.

  • Posted last year about the (Massive) transfer of (Aluminum & Steel Production) from USA to China over the last 30yrs.


At first glance Port Hedland seems like a little "out of the way" place.

But there appear to be:

  • (Very Big Players) active in this location.

  • (Lots of Activity) at this (Port).

  • (Strategic Location) - Northwest Australia Coast


Was involved in the digs on NK over the weekend ref: Who (Really) controls NK & What are they (Really) after?


Discussions were looking at (REE) Rare Earth Minerals + gold, silver & copper etc mining in NK as a potential (Actual Target) of [The Secret Puppet-masters].


  • This spot could connect: (a lot of [Dots on the Global Cabal Network Map])

(Multi-Function Location)

  • UK+AU = Strategic FVEYs location in Asia/Oceania.

  • Human Trafficking.

  • High Tonnage Resource Movement

Away from prying eyes?


Looking at moar potential dots to connect here = of (Strategic Value) that could be connected.

That's for a follow-up post.


But, I think this area warrants further digging.

Especially considering the exorbitant prices paid for the properties there.


(Trivia Note) - Same end of Australia (Northwest Cape - Exmouth):

Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt

(VLF) Antenna Array