Anonymous ID: 056bec July 27, 2019, 8:11 p.m. No.7224209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Civil War is Here


March 30, 2018




Over the past 12 years, observations within America have me disheartened. It started with the apology tour of Obama.  Our military was in discord, our police were demoralized.  Illegal aliens crossing our borders by foot, train and even airplanes. What ever happened to the Oath of Office to protect and defend the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic?  Muslim Brotherhood within the Obama Administration.  A Communist outed as part of the Obama Administration.


Now President Trump, trying to right the ship of America, is being attacked on a daily basis by the compliant biased mass media. The Democrat Party is NOT the same as the one in the 1950’s.  Progressivism (Gramsci style Communism) has usurped the Democrat Party.  The progressive ideology has grown like a metastatic cancer.  It has invaded the halls of Congress. It tried, but failed to garner the White House in 2016.


We no longer are able to speak WITH one another; we have become a society that speaks AT one another.  No discussion of events without name calling or attacks.  Public discourse has become argumentative cacaphony.  Progressives think that their voice should be the only one allowed in public discourse.


Freedoms being eroded.  Claims the Constitution is outdated. Christianity under attack. Where is the PRIDE of America?  Remember the day after September 11, 2001.  America banded together; flew flags across our nation in support of our country against a foreign enemy.  Now our flag being burned religiously by groups.  Belief in the First Amendment makes me realize they are allowed to do such as Freedom of Speech.  However, the same fanatic groups attack Christians for their religious belief that just so happens to be included in the First Amendment.  Good for thee, but no for me?


Witnessing the High School students attempting to tell America what is good for them and that our Rights shouldn’t matter?  Really? Personally, the last thing I would allow my High School Child to do is to tell me what I can or cannot do.  I consider America my HOME.


Through Marxist infiltration in the public school system, we now produce the children in the image of Lenin/Stalin.  Conservatives are being chided on campus. Conservative voices are being muted. Is it time to take back our schools?


Activists are being trained in places like the Midwest Academy in Chicago.  The Industrial Area Foundation (founded by Alinsky).  Goaded by Obama’s own website of Organizing for America.  Has America had enough?


2020 elections are coming in America.  


It is not a Civil War in terms you may think about.  It WILL be Americanism vs. Communism.  The war will take place at the ballot box. Fair and LEGAL elections should be at the forefront.  Putin’s plan of creating discord and discontent within America is working.  Will America succumb to the Communist sedition against us, or will we STAND for our country?


It is your choice.  Pick one.