>Mention of SHEEP as connected to Comey. That's what his twat felt like tonight…a call to the "little people," the "sheep," who the cabal perceives to be livestock.
Concur. On one level (surface) for the public, his message plays to the herd mentality (especially of leftists) - you are a racist if you vote for Bad Orange Man. You don't want to bad awful person, do you?
On the other level - as message from one conspirator to others, one side of a ring to another…
My translation of JC tweet:
Millions of 2016 Trump voters are not racists.[PUBLIC IS WAKING UP TOO MUCH] Now those Americans need the strength of character [DO NOT LET US DOWN] to resolve they will not again vote [CALLING FOR VOTE FRAUD] for someone who clearly is.[POTUS IS NOT GOING TO DROP THIS] It’s not about judges [NEW JUDGES WILL NOT COVER FOR US, IF WE ARE CHARGED WITH CRIMES] or taxes. It’s about who we are as a nation.[WE ARE ALL IN SERIOUS LEGAL JEOPARDY - DOJ JUST RE-INSTITUTED DEATH PENALTY]