>>7223950 (PB)
Good now understand this
>>7223950 (PB)
Good now understand this
Minor point .. according to Wikipedia.. the 1993 WTC bombing..
Comey was US Atty for SDNY in Manhattan
There was a small portion of ViN on axle that led to Ryder truck rental
The van was parked on level B-2
Keystone to unlock the mapping and the stringers and the sequences is DNA..
Think opposing codons.. perfect cipher .. question is which dna .. which genome
Also in 93 was one of Durham’s big cases involving FBI using CIA assets as informants ..
Marduk is a spoiled little shit!!
He has no power ..
He lies about everything! He accomplished nothing… nothing .. and he only has what you give him..
Seeing theough the sorcerous veil of the Nechzhim is not the same as giving Marduk power or credit!
Flawed logic
You are a deluded little weak minded puss boy.
You let yourself fall into same trap set by Stalin .. lies and lies upon lies.. promised by liars who will never give you what they promise.
You are anti christ.. Anti life… anti love.
Your time to choose the light is coming to a close. The clock is ticking.
The cycle is ending.
Your master knows this and is trying to use you so he can keep us as slaves.. wake the f up and get on your knees and pray!
The force of God’s nature is love.
The thought expressed by God is the yod.. this thought is symbolized by the fiery crown of God.. that sits on a head.. where thought originates.
The symbol created by the carbon 12 atom in quantum rotations creates this wage form… the symbol of a heart. Not a human heart.. but a symbol of love that is so old and ingrained in our consciousness.
This is the FORCE underlying everything in the Unified Field Theory of Physics. It creates all form aleph from the eternity of the tav.
This is the ET.. the &…
The alpha and omega .. the aleph tav.. the ET.. the &
The force of all nature .. all life .. is love… the nature of God.
Damnit … wave form .. not wage form!
Warning .. do not search corn anal crap.. the following image may be offensive to some viewers.
They fell into this level of manifestation .. they are trying to get back .. and they use the soul trap to keep us from moving up..