On fox news some republican rep said Comey put himself in the sandbox.
The fox news host said a min later, she could not forget the sandbox term( and she said she was sure people would talk about it today, KEK)
Facebook stocks slumped 5.3 percent on Monday morning
Falling stock put Facebook on track for their worst day in 16 months
The fake news is trying to twist it, into Trumps fault, that he did something wrong.
Before they were saying this ALL happened before Trump Hired them,
( hiring that company, is normal for any campaign)
Now they are trying to make it look like Trump stole, or got infomation about 50 million people( to imply he cheated somehow, and then that company has some russian connection, ofcourse)
Where was the discussion on NPG VAN, the DNC Used, or Eric Schmidt( head of google) helping to organize Hillary's campaign,,and was deeply involved with social media aspects.
And Everyone knows facebook helped Clinton.
And Twitter,
Some of you conservatives may not know this,, but Social media, MSM, fucked over, banned, and silenced Bernie people in primary, in favor of Clinton. They did the same thing during General to Trump supporters( and any 3rd party, write in candidates ( Green, Libertarian, etc)
We need to show, who the real colluders are,, and remind all the people who have been cheated, and banned, and silenced by them.
And really really push , IBOR this week.
The internet bill of rights.
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5519009/Facebook-stocks-plummet-Cambridge-Analytica-data-reports.html
The purple ones seemed more popular, then colorful mountain ones.