Anonymous ID: 2a3124 July 28, 2019, 1:26 a.m. No.7226692   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6736 >>6741 >>6744 >>6906 >>7373

Reposting this for the third time (once on qrb, once in the moldy bread & now here)….hope some Anon/Autist can make heads or tails of it:


There is something I've been meaning to point out/bring up for some time now but I always seem to get distracted…but the fact that POTUS keeps doing it (many, many times in the past & also very recently) keeps reminding me. Most (if not all) Anons should know by now that 1/3-1/2 of POTUS' tweets are meant to convey something to us; and what I've noticed is that when he tweets about "Peter Strzok" (typically in conjunction with tweeting about Lisa Page-but not always) he refers to him as Peter S….he rarely (if ever) types out Strzok's entire last name…just the S without a period after it…it makes me wonder if Strzok is his real last name…perhaps he's a spook with a last name that would link him to other bad actors in addition to those already known.


I've noticed a similar pattern when POTUS tweets about Bruce Ohr's wife, "Nellie Ohr"…on at least a few occasions he has 'misspelled' her first name as Nelly with a y…and I think we've already established that she's a spook. Last week POTUS mentioned them both in a tweet; he referred to 'Lisa Page and her Psycho lover'…(see pics related for just 2 recent examples)…I definitely think our POTUS is trying hard to get a message across to us but I have not seen it mentioned or discussed previously, so I'm just putting it out there for Anons/Autists who have greater digging capabilities than my own…do with this what you will.

Anonymous ID: 2a3124 July 28, 2019, 1:38 a.m. No.7226748   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Thank God for that.

I have limited digging skills but I thought someone might be able to decode/figure out what POTUS is trying to convey.

Also, I noticed he has also been leaving out the letter "S" in some of his tweets lately….S=19….19 on the last watch post from Q? I don't know the exact significance but my gut tells me it's relevant.

Anonymous ID: 2a3124 July 28, 2019, 2:31 a.m. No.7226917   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I follow & agree with what you're saying, Anon…and I wouldn't bring it up except for the fact that POTUS keeps tweeting it out…probably 20+ times and I don' even follow POTUS's tweets that closely.

Anonymous ID: 2a3124 July 28, 2019, 2:49 a.m. No.7226986   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6991 >>6999 >>7004

Fellow Anons, it's been an absolute honor serving with you this morning, but this workfag's shift is about over so I must depart for now. I trust you all to hold down the fort & mission(s) forward in the meantime. Godspeed & God bless. o7