Anonymous ID: b27473 July 28, 2019, 4:22 a.m. No.7227345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7371

Here is my Q, pun intended.


Those should be watched by anyone who does not get what the status qua is and how the flow in the economy is controlled.


The problem with these video's is they assume it's a difference of opinion. That has never been the case, just take a look at where we are now.


All of life you could set your watch by it, 7 year itch, what ever you call it. Nixon closed the gold window, 79-80 recession, 87, 94-94 S&L, dot com and 08.


QE changed that, no 15-16, something changed. The problem you have now is QE blew the bubble, and it does not matter if the fed jacks rates to slow the economy for 2020, or lowers rates and sets off a panic. All they need is the trigger.


I would look for that trigger this fall, labor day weekend will be the time to watch, that is the play book and it would roll into year end.

Form follows function, and monetary policy is by design, not a difference of opinion.


The problem is Trump loves debt, he understands with devalued capital, the money doesn't matter it's the flow.


Can you get Trump on board for what would benefit the little guy and prevent someone from doing exactly what he did?


Or are we just getting with the trend in Japan and EU where the devaluation is put on steroids and interest rates go negative?


Either way fear the Bust.

Anonymous ID: b27473 July 28, 2019, 4:31 a.m. No.7227384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7406


and that shift will start prior to.


PM market has been treated like a pre-teen girl on pedo island for years. That massive flow has kept it in check, not to mention the boat is too big for gold.


With 2020 coming, I expect the move. Everything looks like it's hot, cooling comes quickly.

Anonymous ID: b27473 July 28, 2019, 4:47 a.m. No.7227450   🗄️.is 🔗kun



No I have shifted my thinking, I spent a long time working hard, getting out of debit and doing what your supposed to do. That will only get you more of the same.


PM's are insurance, and they pose a risk to the government, it has been and can be outlawed.

Coins are better, I was buying, and still holding from the 90's. Silver bars were my door stops.


I am telling you a rising tide lifts all boats and this is about devaluation. Nothing happens in a vacuum, if gold takes off so does the market, so does housing, so does food etc.


The only thing that could derail the fed is have them do nothing. Cutting rates will be Thelma and Louise.