Anonymous ID: 338555 July 28, 2019, 7:31 a.m. No.7228525   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Epstein Associate Nobody's Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS


FIFA Corruption, the Panama Papers, the Mossad, and Nicole Junkermann


I have a story to tell you. A story that causes my heart to pound and my blood pressure to rise as I type each and every word. A true story of a woman of great wealth and power, who rode on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” private jet on several occasions. She appears to be a German-born Israeli state intelligence operative based in London. An ex-model whose name appeared in the Panama Papers from the Mossack Fonseca leaks and who became embroiled in a FIFA corruption scandal with Sepp Blatter and his family. She is perhaps the closest example that you could possibly find to a real-life “Bond Girl.” Yet, she is almost completely unknown to the majority of us.


This lady has recently infiltrated the NHS through the UK Department of Health and Social Care with the help of Matt Hancock MP, and her presence signifies a major threat to the data security of every citizen of the United Kingdom. Every single piece of data about you, your health issues, your blood type, the model of the wireless pacemaker keeping you alive, every detail of every embarrassing medical problem in the hands of the Israeli state apparatus and potentially sold off to the highest bidder. You may think that this doesn’t concern you. Why would you need to worry about a foreign far-right government which has been proven to meddle in the affairs of our country? Your data would be useless to them, surely? But that’s not the world we live in anymore. Big data is the modern gold rush. The psychologists and marketing agents have mastered how to make you buy things; the next step is for them to successfully master making you do things, and for that kind of control over people, they need everybody’s data.


When I was first researching the Jeffrey Epstein case, I trawled through every piece of official documentation that was available. I knew what I was looking for and how very dangerous it was. I had begun attempting to identify state assets through their movements, actions, associations, and by good old fashioned detective work. I was interested in identifying any MI5 or MI6 agents, Israeli Mossad, CIA, or any other part of a nation states spying apparatus. It’s possibly one of the most dangerous hobbies on earth, spy hunting, and if I’m honest, I’m not even sure why I’m doing it. Regardless, Jeffrey Epstein’s sweetheart deal was probably what they would give to a foreign intelligence operative. Epstein was a perfect place to begin fishing for potential spooks.


Once I find somebody who I suspect of being involved in espionage, I will track down all existing information on that individual and build the story of their lives as best as I can. I learn every known habit they have and instead of immediately writing an article about them, I just continue to note their activities with interest. I have been watching many potential state actors for a fair few years. I’ve also missed out on breaking a few good stories by waiting for too long. But I don’t want to simply show you the past as much as I want to show you the present, and even possibly, the future.


In the Epstein case, one of the best pieces of evidence which was available to researchers was the flight manifest for his child trafficking molestation machine. There were many coded initials and a few famous names noted in the official documentation. As you probably already know, Bill Clinton and his Secret Service agents had ridden the infamous “Lolita Express” on many occasions. Naomi Campbell, Kevin Spacey, Alan Dershowitz and Chris Tucker also flew on the plane with the billionaire sex offender.


We all build up recognisable patterns of behaviour over time. When you investigate someone, you usually start by identifying these patterns and then looking for any divergences from the anticipated outcomes. In Epstein’s planes flight manifest, a pattern which was visible from the information available is how he would use his private jet. He would use the plane for two main reasons. Most commonly he would fly himself and a number of his entourage to a destination, or alternatively he would fly people to meet him. The rarest occurrence was when Epstein would fly without any of his usual entourage and just one other passenger. There was only one name that jumped out from the flight manifest as a good example of when Epstein alternated from his routine. His second meeting with Nicole Junkermann.


The REST @

Anonymous ID: 338555 July 28, 2019, 7:53 a.m. No.7228707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8717 >>8753



submitted 3.2 hours ago by 3357012?


Loretta Fuddy was a CIA spook who performed her duty well - protecting then, Commander In Spook, Barack Obama. Ask yourself a question. Why would they go through the trouble of faking a crash for a hit on one person? They wouldn't. They'd use a dozen less complex methods. This was all part of her retirement package .. probably negotiated at the time she was placed as Director of Hawaii Dept. of Health to issue the fake Birth Certificate. Spooks who have to perform public roles get special compensation. She was 65 at the time of the water landing. She was simply issued a new identity and is somewhere enjoying her retirement. The real story is that the Administration used the Military (aircraft, submarine, etc) to pull this ridiculous sham off and Q team has ALL the evidence to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.


For more insight, I highly recommend having a listen to Field McConnell's broadcast from 12/5/2018: FUDDY HOAXYouTube


12-5-2018 Field & Guests - Loretta Fuddy Plane Crash & more