Hussein visits grandma.. grandma dead days later.
farms produce livestock, living assets.
B & C CAPITALIZED, as noted.
C should be capitalized, but not border.
could be Bill Clinton…….EPSTAIN ISLAND RELATED
OR could be something referring to a BORDER channel being shut down.
if you read the pilots story in the news. The pilot says nothing about infant life vest. Pilot says he handed everybody a lifevest as they left the plane. Fuddy got a full life vest. He said that as the last person left plane, pilot had to reach for another life vest, but did not say it was infant.
Also pilot made it sound like he didn't even take a life vest…he just swam back to shore with another passenger.
how is the pilot and one other passenger the only ones to swim back to shore?
what was wrong with the others?
How far was the shore?
did you read the Fountain Society?