C_A lost some moar spywarez
Yep, I was talking about the delay between Maria question ending and Devin answer starting.
Usually don't see that domestically even in Coast-to-Coast.
[RR] said he never read that shit.
He signed it because he was busy and he trusted those MFers.
They did [RR] wrong.
But, I think via a Solomon-type reporting on a source.
Not sure how long Devin has been mentioning it now, too, but he has before.
Rep Aw-Schucks from Texas.
He's super-smart like POTUS and plays down his intelligence with a commoner speaking style the same way, too.
>Refusal to acknowledge the R's roles
The R niggers are the only big name niggers to go down so far.
D's are finally up to bat now.
So WTF are you waxing shillacious about?
No Name - The Clinton of the R's
Ryan booted from SOTH - Nancy not yet.
No D names yet bigger than that.
Top level.
Mid & lower levels have been ongoing.
Some D's Many R's
Large # of incumbents (greater than avg) did not run in '18.
Their future still in danger of future indictments.
>An hour and half video?
SB2 long-winded too.
NumberFags like to ramble to conceal the underlying Fake-n-Gay.