Anonymous ID: 3813cf July 28, 2019, 9:13 a.m. No.7229438   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Holy shit I fell down a rabbit hole.


Was looking into Keith Yamamoto (Loretta Fuddys Assistant Director).


Didn’t want to just smear a guy. He very well could have been just an innocent guy that lived through and witnessed something horrible. So dug into his background. Was wondering if he was an innocent bystander or potential handler for Fuddy. Loretta Fuddy was appointed to her position in Jan 2011. In addition to Hussein’s birth certificate. Loretta Fuddy also participated in the creation of the Affordable Care Act!


“"I worked closely with Director Fuddy on the Affordable Care Act and came to know and respect her as a passionate advocate for public health and a warm, caring human being," Matsuda said.”


I want to say as of right now, i’m still undetermined on Yamamoto’s account. Anyways. He was put into the assistant deputy position (under fuddy) on 11 April 2011. On April 25, 2011, pursuant to President Obama’s request, Director Fuddy personally witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live Birth and attested to the authenticity of the two copies. Dr. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar, certified the copies.


Plane crash where Loretta Fuddy died was on 11 Dec 2013.


On 16 Feb 2015 Keith Yamamoto is reappointed to deputy director position.


On 2 Oct 2017, Keith Yamamoto selected by the national Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) as a 2017 recipient of the prestigious Noble J. Swearingen Award. Yamamoto was honored at an awards ceremony in Washington, DC on Sept. 20. (more to follow on this)


12 July 2019, Keith Yamamoto is appointed Chief Operating Officer and is replaced in the Deputy Director position by Cathy Ross.


So i started digging into this award. Turns out it is awarded in Bethesda Maryland. Ok, kept on digging. Who are these people? Looking at the board of directors come across this person.


Transgender General Physician who specializes in pediatrics and pushes the LGBTQ agenda. WTAF.


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