Bloodlines of the Illuminati
Bloodlines of the Illuminati
Mystery Babylon by William (Bill) Cooper
Secret societies and psychological warfare
Ongoing series of collected images of occult symbolism in media:
Freemasonry symbols and connection to Satanic worship:
Shorter read.
Egyptian-Masonic-Satanic Connection book:
About satanic ritual abuse. Made after listening to the testimonies of many children. The perpetrators of their abuse were masons and they had been involved in rituals.,-254,601
Short article on Monarch Programming:
Towards the end of the book, starts page 207, "blood lines of the illuminati" has a significant section on disney and how some of their movies were specifically designed for use by handlers for programming the mind control of children using narratives and creating split personalities and disassociation.
South Carolina was the same way when I lived there in the 90's, walk into an herb store to purchase ginseng, the chink behind the counter had a hypo said go in the other room, here comes a pretty young girl said she will be right back take all your clothes. I was looking for herbs guys not bugs. No justice in the land. YET
>The masonic cryptocracy's tyranny over humanity has been accomplished under cover of victimhood. The world's most rigid and fascist hierarchy has successfully enveloped its occult discipline in the patina of persecution and hounding by the "uptight, the blind, the superstitious and ignorant."
>In spite of its incredibly strict, secret dogmatism, it advertises itself as the repository of freethought and open inquiry so that no subject of study is taboo; no rules except "Do What Thou Wilt" and beneath that vast front a profound secrecy about their genuine objectives and operations.
>If the truth of what the cryptocracy has perpetrated is grasped and acted upon, the consequences for the conspirators will be annihilation. But if the people fail to perceive the truth or fail to act on their perception, thus rendering the Process a kind of tacit consent born of apathy, amnesia and abulia, the consequence for the conspirators will be a giant-step in the advancement of their system of control, that is to say, ever tighter bonds of enslavement for humanity.
>Why does the cryptocracy bother to gamble so much by going public with what it is doing to us? Because consent fuels their control like no other form of energy.