Anonymous ID: 7cd4b7 July 28, 2019, 12:05 p.m. No.7231118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1153

British Intel Advisor Michael Shrimpton - Obama Was Born In Mombasa, Kenya


Interesting that his birth was listed in Aug 1961 but his "mother" wasn't pregnant in July 1961.

Anonymous ID: 7cd4b7 July 28, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.7231153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1313


orig post on voat


Fun Fact - The "fake" birth certificate listed Kapiolani Women and Children's Gynecological Hospital as his birthplace in Hawaii. (Which, BTW, was NOT the real name of that hospital until the 1970's) An early Wikipedia page will confirm that, but later Wikipedia pages showed a scrubbed and changed Kapiolani Hospital description of their history. ← This page talks about the name that would probably have been used - Kauikeolani Children's Hospital and Kapiolani Maternity Home.


Yet, this Agent talks about going to QUEEN'S hospital, which is a different hospital altogether. He says "the records in that hospital were clearly fake." So it sounds like the obama handlers tried to do this through Queen's and someone there had a conscience. So they moved the narrative to Kapiolani. If I remember correctly (and I'll add a little more to this after some research) Kapiolani Hospital suddenly had a whole lot of upgrades and improvements around 2008-2009. Sudden inflow of cash from "donors" allowed this. Prior to that, they were an aging facility. So there's that.


What strikes me here as maddening are the multiple names he mentions - McCain, Edwards, Clintons, Rudy G, et al. THIS is why POTUS brought this up. They had MI info on this. But the clamoring of the fawning and bought-off media silenced every one of these people. Astounding.


link reply …


[–] 19933443? 7 points (+7|-0) 1.9 hours ago


Wow. British intelligence knew in 2008 Obama was born in Kenya. No DNA match with his grandparents.


Brits contacted Hillary Clinton's team about it (pre-2008 election). They contacted Sen. Edwards(SC) and told him. Contacted Bill Clinton and his ex-CIA director. Contacted the Telegraph, Honolulu Advertiser, ex-CIA officials, McCain and his people, senior US intelligence adviser who was a key Democrat player, Kofi Anan, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, and others. No one denied he was born in Kenya. Yet this info was hidden from us and Obummer was elected. They were all complicit!


Obama's missing sister thought to be full sister, not half as Obama said.


1000+/- dead in Kenya to keep Obama's birthplace a secret.


Lots to digest in this 7m34s video.

Anonymous ID: 7cd4b7 July 28, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.7231355   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why it is KEY Hussein be exposed as [KNOWINGLY] foreign-born before the real GITMO Enemy Combatant trials take off.


Please excuse the "wall of text," but a few extra words do aid analysis.


45 raising Hussein's finances and Q re-reraising the Fuddy duddy Hawaii Birth certificate issue got me to "expand my thinking" about TIMING and consequences. I've always had questions how GITMO figures in since SCOTUS has made clear GITMO detention is for FOREIGN enemy combatants relative to the War in Afghanistan and 9-1-1.


Why might it be KEY Hussein be exposed as [KNOWINGLY] foreign-born before the real GITMO Enemy Combatant trials take off?


First Let's Honestly Assess Level of Proof Required


In light of experience to date, it is clear innuendo, anecdote, and speculation will not suffice. Nor will even a substantial showing that the Hawaii Birth Certificate is phony. Likely we need both (1) a forensically invalid HI BirthCert AND (2) a valid BC or equivalent proof of birth in another country.


That will establish prima facie (first blush) ineligibility for the Office of President.


The Likely Globalist Responses


After we get past the Globalist media confusing the issue with “it’s a honest mistake,” or “BO was misled,” proof will be adduced of Hussein’s unquestionable and unequivocal KNOWLEDGE of ineligibility.


An important question will be – who else knew? – and what actions were taken to aid the fraud?


If Hussein’s claim to citizenship rests on a false birth in HI – and there is no evidence he thereafter lawfully was naturalized, his claim to rights as a citizen would be forfeited as a matter of law.


What would be his status? Presumably he would be a natural born citizen of some other country, perhaps Kenya, possibly Indonesia, maybe even Great Britain, perhaps somewhere in the Middle East or a Muslim country. In any case, his stay in the US exceeded its “lease” years ago. He was ineligible to be elected dogcatcher and his former status as a state and federal officer offer no protection.


In fact, his actions as President could rightfully be examined to determine whether he gave aid, comfort or assistance to the rebels in AFGHANISTAN in our fight against it. This is KEY - for as note above the Supreme Court has made clear “enemy combatant status” warranting GITMO detention only arises in those circumstances under current law.


Current Law of Enemy Combatants


Let’s briefly review Enemy combatant law: From SCOTUS: “In the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), 115 Stat. 224. The AUMF states that the President may “use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided” those attacks. In Hussain v. Obama (2014) 572 U.S. 1079 five Members of the Court agreed the AUMF authorizes the President to detain enemy combatants, which include “an individual who … was part of or supporting forces hostile to the United States or coalition partners in Afghanistan and who engaged in an armed conflict against the United States there.”


It is likely instances of Hussein orders and commands designed to provide such aid and assistance to Afghanistan, e.g., the rules of engagement, stand downs, decreases in military funding, etc. amply meet this definition.


Hussein's Status as Foreigner Brings in all the Domestic Co-Conspirators


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