Anonymous ID: f3072e July 28, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.7231309   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Gematria value of #3521 is 702, 279, 666, 342, combined 1989. (44 letters, 11 words)


Gematria value of #3525 is 965, 398, 932, 455, combined 2750. (63 letters, 18 words)


Gematria value of both of these Q drops is 1667, 677, 1598, 797, (107 letters, 29 words)


1667 is the 262nd prime number, 1667 + 262 = 1929… There are 929 chapters in the old testament… The reason #3525 jpg is named "90.jpg" is to represent the 90 years from 1929 to 2019. 2019 is also the 243rd year since 1776, and DIRECTLY after 243 decimal digits of Pi, "2019" appears for the first time in Pi…


[ 93 dk]


Perhaps the 5 spaces and then 11 spaces represent 5 feet 11 inches, or 71 inches… We are currently 71 years since Israel founding.


The 22 characters of the entire string represent the 22 year (22 * 360) cycle we finished around July 20th 2019…


Tweet from #3521 is missing a word… The word "Harvest" should be added…The tweet should be "Corn ready to be cut for harvest!"


The gematria value of that would be 321, 123, 381, 147, (26 letters, 7 words)


The harvest is a reference to the spiritual harvest mentioned in The Law of One, and the book of revelation.


"Harvest" has a gematria value of 93


25,388 seconds delta between the two related Q drops…


The first time that a word with a gematria value of 388 appears in the Bible is Genesis 3:21, VERSE NUMBER 77 OF THE BIBLE.


The 358th day of the final 360 day year of the 22 years, was July 17th, 2019… 200 + 158 = 358… 200th prime number + 200th prime number + 158th prime number = 3375, dimension of the city of Revelation, sum of all digits of Pi up to the 999999 sequence.


H1667 = Gath-rimmon = "winepress of the pomegranate"


G3025 = "the winepress" from Revelation 14:20, which has a Gematria value of 358.


There's much more but that's all I have time for.