Anonymous ID: 112b03 July 28, 2019, 1:34 p.m. No.7232252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2269 >>2274 >>2287 >>2326 >>2407 >>2606

Fuck all you people who think I'm a paid shill. Been here for a very long time.. have done my share of helping to dig (all the way back to before Trump's visit to China's forbidden city)… Helped ID airplanes from China airlines in a few drops… had huge debates over who it was that was pictured outside of that daycare, crossing the street…


Most of the anti-pr0n fags in here are nothing but newfag christian fundies who found there way here because of their rotary club friends on Facebook telling them to come here…


So here's my deal… I appreciate that all you newfags don't like the porn… I also appreciate that you want to take your country back and want justice… but you all need to lurk moar and understand that this is not YOUR place to dictate how things go around here. :) Learn how to filter and move on faggots…

Anonymous ID: 112b03 July 28, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.7232287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2308


Also, real talk here… most of the people on here who are being accused of being paid shills working for the very people we're trying to take down? Yeah, they're not paid… they're not shills… they're mostly just shit-posting trolls that get a laugh out of watching people in this movement go nuts over how they have no power to stop them from their shit posting.


The Muhjoo fags? Fucking shit posting trolls.

The anti-vax fags? Fucking shit posting trolls.

The chemtrail and flat earth fags? Shit posting trolls.


You really think they believe that shit?


They do it because it's edgy and cool (to them)… and you guys breathe life into it by responding to it.

Anonymous ID: 112b03 July 28, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.7232326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2341 >>2363


Another thing to understand… The REAL oldfags here recognize most of these pics because … well, where do you think I gathered this whole collection from? This entire collection of pics is literally in a folder on my desktop… Like, LITERALLY …


==Desktop -Q -> Hot Women==


Seriously, look!

Anonymous ID: 112b03 July 28, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.7232363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2540


So yeah you puritanical faggots need to just sit down and REC-OG-NIZE… Every single one of these images have been posted here before, likely before your time…


I see a hot woman pic? Click it to expand it to its original size… right click… "Save image as"… and it goes in the collection. :)

Anonymous ID: 112b03 July 28, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.7232433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2587


shrug… I don't think there's a hard and fast definition of "oldfag"… It seems like it would be rather contextual to me.


But for my own context, I have been doing stuff on the interwebs since 1993… I ran a BBS when I was 16, back in 1991 through 1993… I used to download pirated stuff off the newsgroups back in the day… Had to connect to the internet via Trumpet Winsock on windows 3.1…


If you think the chans are anything all THAT special… shrug… I don't know what to tell ya. The real "wild west" of the internet was when you could get a ton of illegal and gross porn off of newsgroups with zero worry.


Remember Limewire? Yeah, I was already 10 years into internet usage by the time that became a thing, was huge, and died…


I got on 4chan a long long time ago… and it simply didn't interest me enough to stay. I guess you could say I was just "over it" when it came to being an edgelord online and left it to the younger kids to get it out of their system.


I've only been on 8chan for this Q movement… otherwise I wouldn't bother coming here.