Anonymous ID: a514ad July 28, 2019, 1:32 p.m. No.7232225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2231 >>2412 >>2774 >>2941



Weapons, telecommunication devices left by terrorists discovered in Daraa countryside

The competent authorities in Daraa on Sunday found light and medium weapons left behind by terrorists between the towns of Khirbet Ghazala and al-Gharyia al-Sharqyia in Daraa northern countryside.


Large-Scale ISIS Attack In Southern Deir Ezzor. Multiple Syrian Soldiers Killed And Injured

Despite the suffered casualties, the SAA was able to repel the attack, preventing the terrorist group from re-establishing a foothold in the Middle Euphrates River Valley. The failed attack was likely launched from the Homs desert, which lays between western Deir Ezzor and eastern Homs. Hundreds of ISIS fighters and commanders are reportedly hiding there.


Heavy Clashes In Northern Lattakia Amid Reports Of New Syrian Army Operation

On July 28 morning, heavy clashes erupted between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and militants in the northern Lattakia countryside.

Some pro-government activists claimed that the army had launched a new military operation in the mountainous region with the aim of capturing the key town of Kabani from Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies.

HTS’ news network, Iba’a, backed these claims saying that the terrorist group’s fighters foiled an advance attempt by SAA troops near Kabani.

“Several fighters of the criminal regime’s militias were injured when HTS repelled an advance attempt by them on the axis of Kabani in the northern Lattakia countryside,” Iba’a’s report reads.


Turkey Deports Syrian Refugees to Idlib During Airstrikes

Like the house guest who as worn out his welcome, they are facing a free bus ride to Idlib. In 2011 they were the face of the Syrian chapter of the Arab Spring. Turkey had the tents set up on the border to house the refugees from the outset, sparking accusations of a conspiracy with the U.S., their close ally under Pres. Obama. The western media hovered at the refugee camps on the Syrian-Turkish border, highlighting the numbers of people fleeing, and using those desperate faces to demonize the Syrian government. Angelina Jolie and the UN played their role, making a bad situation look even worse.

Much more


Russian Warplanes Destroy Militant Convoy In Eastern Idlib

The Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed a large convoy of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the eastern part of the governroate of Idlib.

Al-Masdar News, a pro-government blog, said that Russian warplanes targeted the terrorist group’s convoy while it was departing Taftanaz airbase in the afternoon of July 27.

“The Russian Aerospace Forces reportedly carried out several more strikes around the Taftanaz Airbase before shifting their attention to the northwestern region of the Hama Governorate,” the blog’s report reads.

Syria opposition activists confirmed that several Russian airstrikes had targeted Taftanaz airbase and its surroundings. However, they didn’t provide any information on HTS’ losses, as usual.


Military Situation In Syria On July 28, 2019 (Map Update)

At least 12 militants were killed and 15 others were injured in a Russian airstrike on a headquarters of Turkish-backed Jaysh al-Ahrar in the town of Tahtaya on July 26;

Several Syrian service members were injured during an anti-terrorism raid in northern Daraa on July 27. A suspect blew himself up with an explosive belt he was wearing;

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the US-led coalition are carrying out large-scale security operation in al-Kishkiyah and its surroundings. At least one local was reprotedly killed. Dozens people were detained;

IED explosions rocked A’zaz, al-Bab, Tall Battal and Ghandoura killing 2 people and injuring 25 others;

Kurdish rebels announced on July 27 that their snipers and sleeper cells had killed 5 Turkish-backed militants and injured one other in recent attacks in Afrin;

A grenade attack killed 3 SDF members in Al-Kassrat.

Anonymous ID: a514ad July 28, 2019, 1:34 p.m. No.7232247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2782

CBP Seizes Hundreds Of Pounds Of Drugs In Single Weekend


U.S. Custom and Border Protection officers seized more than 314 pounds of hard drugs at the Port of Nogales last weekend, according to a CBP press release.


CBP officers confiscated more than 314 pounds of methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and fentanyl. CBP is holding four U.S. citizens and a Mexican native in custody in connection to the busts.


Officers at the Mariposa Crossing referred a 19-year-old Tucson man for further inspection after he tried to enter the U.S. from Mexico Friday afternoon, according to CBP. A narcotics detection canine alerted to the presence of a suspicious smell.


The officers found more than 90 packages of methamphetamine. The packages weighed nearly 107 pounds, and contained roughly $320,000 worth of drugs.


Officers at the Morley Pedestrian Crossing referred a 60-year-old Tucson woman and her 40-year-old daughter for an additional search after they tried to enter the U.S. from Mexico, according to CBP. The mother was carrying five packages of drugs around her waist. The daughter was carrying two packages around her upper torso.


With them were more than four pounds of fentanyl, worth nearly $50,000, and two pounds of methamphetamine, worth $7,000, in addition to a small amount of heroin, worth $1500.


Saturday morning, officers at the Mariposa Crossing arrested a 31-year-old Mexican woman found with 11 pounds of heroin, worth nearly $305,000, and a small amount of fentanyl.


That same day, officers at the Mariposa Crossing arrested a 56-year-old Mesa woman whose vehicle contained 121 pounds of heroin, worth nearly $3.26 million, nearly 65 pounds of meth, valued approximately at $194,000, and five pounds of fentanyl, worth $69,000.


CBP stated the officers seized all drugs and vehicles. The officers also apprehended the subjects and turned them over to U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations.

Anonymous ID: a514ad July 28, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.7232263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2299

US to 'Make an Example' of Julian Assange, Says UN Torture Official


Wikileaks founder Julian Assange remains imprisoned in London following years in the Ecuadorian embassy, escaping what he believes was an attempt to extradite him to the US for the revelation of war crimes. The US government has said Assange is charged with disclosing secret documents in 2010, allegedly through whistleblower Chelsea Manning.


The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer wrote a letter regarding the extradition of Julian Assange on 28 July, warning that Assange could “be exposed to a real risk of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” if he ultimately finds himself in US jail.


Melzer also said that a "full consideration of the serious deterioration of Mr. Assange’s physical and psychological health resulting from the combination of factors" should be made.


He went on to say that the "environment of public vilification, arbitrariness and judicial bias" could affect Assange's vulnerable psychological state.


Melzer also described Assange's prison conditions as contributing to a depreciation of his physical health.


The report says: "From a strictly physical point of view, several aspects of Mr. Assange’s health condition and cognitive and sensory capacity have been, and still are, significantly impaired as a direct consequence of his long-term confinement in the Ecuadorian Embassy, without access to natural sunlight and adequate medical and dental care."


The letter described Assange as inhabiting a 2-meter cell with “a bed, a cupboard, a note-board, basic sanitary installations, a plastic chair and a medium sized window.”


He said that Assange's condition is preventing him from adequately preparing for any legal fights and an extradition to the US would damage his psychological state.


Melzer had previously visited Assange in Belmarsh prison in May, where he is facing 17 espionage charges.


The UN official affirmed that the US, British, Swedish, and Ecuadorian governments were responsible for the 'psychological torture' of Julian Assange.


In fact he also blamed all four governments for intentional generating an environment of “unrestrained public mobbing, intimidation and defamation,” including a “rape suspect narrative” to “deliberately undermine his reputation and credibility” by the Swedish government along with excessive restrictions by the Ecuadorian embassy.


Melzer published a series of his letters and official responses on Twitter from the US and Swedish governments.


In one letter, Melzer pleads with the UK government, asking them not to extradite Assange on the basis that the US could subject him to torture or unusual punishment.


While there has been no official response from Britain, the Swedish government responded by saying that the government cannot comment on the ongoing investigation, but that it "strongly refutes" accusations that "Swedish public authorities had any other grounds for their actions other then to investigate a criminal case."

Anonymous ID: a514ad July 28, 2019, 1:36 p.m. No.7232272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2626 >>2648

Likud adorns HQ with Trump, Putin, Modi


The Likud began a campaign on Sunday portraying Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “in another league” from his competition.


As part of the campaign, the party hung massive posters from its 15-story headquarters in Tel Aviv featuring Netanyahu with US President Donald Trump, Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on three sides of the building. A Likud spokeswoman said that there would be no poster on the fourth side “for now.”

Blue and White mocked the posters, putting out their own ads calling Netanyahu “in another league in surrendering to terror.”


A group of 40 Russian-speakers planned a demonstration outside the building on Sunday evening to protest the Netanyahu-Putin poster.


“We believe that it is extremely inappropriate for an Israeli PM to use photos of a corrupt autocrat in campaign posters, especially considering yesterday’s brutal crackdown on a peaceful demonstration in Moscow,” a spokesman for the protesters said.


Meanwhile, the Supreme Court announced on Sunday that it rejected an appeal by Likud MK Ariel Kallner against the May 28 deal signed between Likud and Kulanu to run together in the September 17 election. Kallner argued that the deal was illegal because it was authorized by the wrong Likud body, and not during the time period when mergers were permitted.


Many in Likud hoped that the Court would reject the deal, because Kulanu voters shifted their alliances elsewhere and Likud did not gain in the polls. But the Court decided against intervening.


Following the decision, Kulanu MK Roy Folkman announced that he would not run for the next Knesset because he did not see himself as part of the Likud, even though he could have run in the 35th slot on the united list.


The next candidate on the Kulanu list, former MK and Arad mayor Tali Ploskov, will receive the slot instead, enabling the Likud to field another immigrant from the former Soviet Union, joining Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein and Environmental Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin.

Anonymous ID: a514ad July 28, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.7232279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2334 >>2353 >>2485

Former CIA Spook: "Deep State Wants Epstein Gone"


Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says there are big stories with big implications for America that are unfolding now.


One of the biggest earthquakes that is going off will be the high ranking Deep State elite surrounding convicted sex offender Jeffery Epstein. Shipp says,


“Oh my goodness gracious, the Deep State is darn well scared, and some of its political top participants, I guarantee you, they want Epstein gone. There is no doubt about that. I don’t know why the Bureau of Prisons put Epstein in a jail cell with a cop that killed four people and buried them in his back yard. Epstein should have been in solitary confinement under watch. So, whoever made that decision, it was a complete error in judgment, if not intentional. That should not have happened in the first place.”


Shipp goes on to point out, “It looks pretty clear to me that the Deep State intelligence Shadow government was involved, and it gets worse…"


"Ghislaine Maxwell, who was Epstein’s alleged recruiter for young girls, was the daughter of Robert Maxwell, (Correction: Shipp said John by mistake) who was a known Mossad Agent.


He bilked pension funds to cover losses in his business… He was found dead floating next to his yacht from an alleged heart attack. So, there are some strange connections to the Deep State. U.S. Attorney (and former Labor Secretary) Alexander Acosta would not have said this if it were not true. It is true. There are intelligence connections. Is this a blackmail operation? We know Epstein has a ‘black book.’ We know Epstein probably has video of massages by young girls of high profile people, including politicians…


. There are going to be some big names that are going to be connected to Epstein and his pedophile child trafficking ring. There is no question about it.”


Another huge story unfolding is the investigation into the “hoax” and “witch hunt” of Russian collusion with President Trump that has now been totally disproven. The real story is how traitors in the U.S. government made up a crimes to frame the President, his campaign and his Administration. People high up in the Obama Administration committed massive crimes, only to fail badly in removing Trump from office. Kevin Shipp says,


…for President Trump, “This is a fight to the death. . . . Trump has to win. . . . There is no question about it. They want Donald Trump gone anyway that they can. We know the Shadow Government, including the CIA, and I studied this in detail, were responsible for the assassination of JFK using the Mafia, and that’s how far they will go. You are talking trillions of dollars, trillions of dollars they could lose if the President isn’t in their pocket. . . . They want him dead, and he is under serious risk right now. . . . He has got to push this forward. He has to win for the Constitution and for his family that might be assassinated.”


Yet another big risk, says Shipp, is the global economic system suffering a financial calamity. This includes the U.S. Shipp contends,


“Russia and China are stocking up on gold . . . as they agree to stop using the U.S. dollar and go to the yuan and ruble, which means they will stop recognizing the U.S. dollar. The dollar will lose its value because of that. We have a huge debt, and by 2025, our deficit will be $30 trillion. It is impossible to pay that off. The global deficit is $245 trillion. This thing has got to burst, and it’s going to burst…


Donald Trump has come out against the Deep State and Shadow Government in ways I could only dream of. I am a Trump supporter, but what he has got on his hands is a coming catastrophe. You cannot stop the collapse caused by the deficit…


Trump will take some significant action. This is a national security issue, and he can step in and make some changes. This is a huge catastrophe, and Americans are not aware of what is coming . . . and are not ready for a financial calamity.”

Anonymous ID: a514ad July 28, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.7232343   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Luke 6:43-45


A Tree and Its Fruit


43 “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 44 Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. 45 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

Anonymous ID: a514ad July 28, 2019, 2:01 p.m. No.7232519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2788

TRUMP Turns Spotlight on Nancy Pelosi’s Syringe-Infested, Public Pooping San Fran District


On Saturday President Trump took to twitter to demand an investigation of Rep. Elijah Cummings and his corrupt and “rat infested” Maryland district.


Boom! TRUMP Turns Spotlight on Nancy Pelosi’s Syringe-Infested, Public Pooping San Fran District

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft July 28, 2019 16 Comments


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On Saturday President Trump took to twitter to demand an investigation of Rep. Elijah Cummings and his corrupt and “rat infested” Maryland district.


Earlier in the day Republican Kimberly Klacik was on FOX and Friends to talk about her video of rat-infested neighborhoods in Baltimore.


Trump was watching — And tweeted out about it.


Democrats were outraged at President Trump for daring to call Baltimore a rat-infested city.

Of course, they said it was racist.


According to the pest control company Baltimore, Maryland is one of the “rattiest cities” in the United States.

Anonymous ID: a514ad July 28, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.7232570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2579 >>2774 >>2841 >>2941

Honduras, El Salvador Expected to Follow After Guatemala, Mexico Make Immigration Deals With Trump


Shortly after overseeing the signing of an asylum agreement with Guatemala at the Oval Office on July 26, President Donald Trump told reporters that he expects to soon sign similar deals with Honduras and El Salvador.


Prior to the pact with Guatemala, Trump had already secured help from Mexico to tackle the migration crisis. In both cases, the president used the threat of tariffs to compel the two nations to cooperate, suggesting that the option of a tariff threat is on the table in dealing with Honduras and El Salvador.


“We have other great countries that are going to be signing up also,” Trump said.


Asked later if he expected to reach similar agreements with Honduras and El Salvador, Trump replied, “I do indeed.”


Migrants from Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras account for 74 percent of the cases in American immigration courts. In addition to the nationals from these countries who continue to pour into the United States, the four territories serve as the major transit corridor for migrants from more than 200 other nations traveling en route to the United States.


As a result, cooperation from the four nations is crucial for stemming the flow of migrants to the United States border with Mexico, especially during a time when Democrats in Congress continue to refuse to work with the Trump administration on legislation to patch up the loopholes in America’s immigration system. The president said the deals with Honduras and El Salvador may come “pretty soon,” suggesting that his international diplomacy may end up addressing a crisis largely perceived as a domestic issue under the purview of Congress.


The pact with Guatemala requires migrants from Honduras and El Salvador to file their asylum claims and await the decisions in their cases in Guatemala. Those who fail to do so will be sent back to Mexico once they are apprehended on the U.S.-Mexico border. While details of the implementation are unclear, the deal can technically prevent the vast majority of migrants from Honduras and El Salvador from traveling to and remaining in the United States. Migrants from El Salvador and Honduras constitute more than a third of the total claims in U.S. immigration courts.


Trump called the deal with Guatemala “historic” and said it would be “terrific” for both countries. The president noted that the deal will pave the way for investment in Guatemala and the expansion of the farm-workers visa program.

Anonymous ID: a514ad July 28, 2019, 2:18 p.m. No.7232753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2772


Seems like Netanyahu is trying to suggest he's of the same cloth as those he put on his building.


Trump will turn on the Satanists in Israel or will be rolled up with them.

Anonymous ID: a514ad July 28, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.7232795   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Coast Guard Seizes 26,000 Pounds Of Cocaine In The Pacific Ocean


The U.S. Coast Guard seized over 26,000 pounds of cocaine worth more than $350 million from several drug busts throughout the Pacific Ocean, which it unloaded in San Diego Friday.


The Coast Guard Cutter Steadfast intercepted six suspected drug-smuggling vessels in the eastern Pacific Ocean off the coast of Mexico, Central and South America between late June and mid-July, according to a Coast Guard press release.


“This was 26,000 of cocaine that will not make it to the main streets of the U.S.A., and it also gives us the opportunity to make sure that we can continue to combat transnational criminal organizations that transport this cocaine deep in the Pacific every single day,” said Rear Adm. Peter Gautier, the 11th Coast Guard District commander, in a statement. “Because we know that with a supply chain of illegal narcotics, at every single step there’s violence, instability and despair.”


In one of the busts, the Coast Guard released footage which shows suspected smugglers throwing bags of cocaine overboard as their boat raced through the ocean July 18.


“The crew members apprehended the suspected smugglers and seized approximately 2,300 pounds of cocaine from the vessel,” according to the Coast Guard.


The last two fiscal years have seen a record number of drug seizures on the waters of the eastern Pacific, Coast Guard Lt. Commander Matthew Kroll said, according to NBC. Most of these seizures involved cocaine.


Kroll added while the Coast Guard seized a record-setting 460,000 pounds for all the previous fiscal year, this fiscal year they have seized 230,000 pounds thus far. The fiscal year will end on September 30, 2019.


“This is still a very high number and we still have a few months to go,” said Kroll.


Gautier offers a similarly concerning assessment of the drug problem that exists on the eastern Pacific.


“There has been a spike in cocaine production in South America,” Gautier told NBC San Diego. “Eighty percent of the cocaine that arrives in America starts its journey in the eastern Pacific.”