Feedback on POTUS NH Opoiod Crisis speech.
He has fine-tuned the message. Excellent. This audience far more was receptive to this carefully-honed message.
Yes drug dealers who KILL LOTS OF PEOPLE should be targeted, swiftly prosecuted, STOPPED from killing people, and yes possibly receive the death penalty since they have KILLED LOTS OF PEOPLE.
He subtly mentioned that the DoJ is working at targeting COMPANIES. That would be pharmaceutical companies but that is a big step so we are just calling them companies at the moment. OK.
We will BUILD THE DAMN WALL and keep heroin out. 90% of the heroin comes over the southern border. That got a very strong positive response.
We should block funds for sanctuary cities that harbor dangerous criminals. Strong positive response.
Right to Try - currently focused on allowing people who are terminally ill to try drugs that show promise. I want to see this Right to Try greatly expanded. I want this first step to be just the camel's nose under the tent. I want the whole damn camel to come into the room right now. We the people have the RIGHT to MEDICATE and NOURISH our own bodies with WHATEVER WE DEEM DESIRABLE. The pharmaceutical/medical cartel should not have the right to tell us we cannot use herbs, nutrients, drugs, etc. if we the people on our own research decide these items may benefit us. Sure this is about cannabis but also any kind of herbs, natural products, plants, botanicals, anything else that is not harming society but might be useful. This stance is similar – but more moral – than the stance of women who assert they have a right of control over their own bodies. While they do NOT have the right to terminate the life of another human being, a viable fetus, we all DO have the right to decide on our own nutrition and health. THIS RIGHT IS NOT NEGOTIABLE. I'd like to see a strong push to get rid of the vile Codex Alimentarius. They can't tell us what we can and cannot consume for health!
Overall I rate POTUS speech as very positive and moving in the right direction. I know he has to take it gradual but I needed to make my feedback known.