Anonymous ID: 9f3b61 July 28, 2019, 4:57 p.m. No.7234582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5141

Abortion Lobbyists Construct Billboards Outside Texas Town That Declared Itself ‘Sanctuary City For the Unborn’


Pro-abortion lobbyists have constructed two billboards that read “abortion is freedom” outside a small Texas town that declared itself a “sanctuary for the unborn.”


The billboards are outside the town of Waskom which unanimously passed an ordinance declaring itself a sanctuary for the unborn last month. They are funded, at least in part, by NARAL (National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws) Pro-Choice Texas.


“I think they did it to take a dig at Waskom,” Jayna Lay, a resident of Waskom, told the Washington Post. “They send the wrong message in my opinion. ‘Abortion is freedom,’ that’s a messed up phrase. That’s pretty much saying, ‘Kill your children and you’re free.’ That’s crazy to me.”


“I would never see Waskom having an abortion clinic anyway; it’s such a small town full of churches,” Lay added.


Waskom does not have any abortion providers, but passed the ordinance as a deterrent from allowing any to open there.


The billboards advertise the website “,” which helps women find nearby abortion providers. It also has a section in their FAQ to assist minors with getting an abortion without parental consent — something required by Texas law, unless they obtain a judicial bypass.


Since abortions in Texas are banned after 20 weeks, they also offer assistance with finding late-term abortions out of state.


Waskom is aware that their ordinance may be challenged by lawsuits, but they are prepared to take the fight to the Supreme Court if necessary. The mayor cautioned before it passed that lawsuits will be likely.


“Most likely we will end up getting sued if this passes,” Mayor Jesse Moore said, according to “It could go to the Supreme Court.”

Anonymous ID: 9f3b61 July 28, 2019, 4:59 p.m. No.7234609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4675 >>4762 >>4958

Schiff Says Dems May Pursue Impeachment Against Trump For Asserting Executive Privilege Over White House Counsel Don McGahn


House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd on Sunday that the Democrats will pursue impeachment against Trump if he continues to assert executive privilege over his White House counsel Don McGahn — even if there is no evidence of an underlying crime.


This is the modern day Commie-Dem party. Stalin would be proud.


Schiff told Chuck Todd that there’s “no simple answer” on impeachment and that he’s actually afraid the Dems will lose the case if they go to trial.


“I worry equally though Chuck about the message of taking impeachment case to trial, losing that case, having the president acquitted and then having an adjudication that this conduct is not impeachable,” Schiff said.


Schiff then said that the American people have to be convinced there’s a case for impeachment.


Chuck Todd asked Schiff about a time crunch and wanted to know when the Dems have to actually begin impeachment before it’s too late.


Schiff responded by saying, “there may get to a point in the Fall where we decide ‘look he is violating a different provision of the Constitution by obstructing the Congress in its lawful and Constitutional duty.”


Schiff admitted it isn’t a crime for the president to obstruct Congress (he’s not obstructing), rather it’s a “misdemeanor” and argued it’s still an impeachable offense.


President Trump has the power to assert executive privilege to protect the executive branch from Congress.


Constitutional expert and attorney, Mark Levin confirmed this to Sean Hannity after Trump asserted executive privilege over his White House Counsel Don McGahn.


“So, why does the president exert executive privilege? Because he’s trying to hide crimes or financial misconduct? Or, he doesn’t want information to get out? No, because he’s protecting the executive branch,” Levin said to Hannity recently.


“Executive privilege can be asserted for a number of reasons, including protecting the privacy of White House deliberations,” Levin told Hannity. “That is, a president [and] immediate staff – like Don McGahn, his lawyer.”


Pencil Neck Schiff is clearly desperate to keep running the ‘Trump impeachment’ narrative after his ‘Russian collusion’ coup attempt failed and Mueller went down in flames.

Anonymous ID: 9f3b61 July 28, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.7234678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4777

REPORT: Jeffrey Epstein Provided Female Interns for Charlie Rose


Shocking new reporting from a progressive media outlet has linked elite billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein to Charlie Rose, the now-disgraced mainstay of CBS’s 60 Minutes for decades. Rose was forced out of his comfortable mainstream media position in the aftermath of #MeToo claims against him, alleging that the legacy media titan had made a habit of harassing and groping young women.


DemocracyNow is a left-wing media outlet known for its critical editorial stance against establishment liberalism and the mainstream Democratic Party. The outlet sources anonymous former employees of Rose, who claim that they were referred to the sexual harasser by Epstein. One 22-year old woman describes her experience being peddled between the finance and media oligarchs as “being offered up for abuse.”


In a disturbing twist, one female personal assistant was supposedly advertised to Rose on the grounds of her previous employment with infamous sex abuser Harvey Weinstein. Epstein allegedly told Rose that the individual was “the world’s most perfect assistant” on account of her previous employment with Weinstein.


It’s unclear from DemocracyNow’s reporting whether or not young women were abused by Epstein before being handed off to Charlie Rose to be sexually harassed, but Epstein’s track record of sex trafficking make such as possibility entirely plausible. Epstein is currently in jail in New York, facing criminal charges related to his activities with underage girls.


The former billionaire, who was connected to Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey in his golden days, was said to make a suicide attempt in a New York jail last week. Epstein is accused of orchestrating an elaborate sex trafficking scheme in which he abused girls on his Caribbean “private island,” having evaded charges on account of his insider connections to Florida prosecutors for a decade.


Rose was forced out of his elite media perch in 2017, when the first accusations of inappropriate sexual behavior were made. Eventually, 35 women attested to his track record of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior at CBS. The 60 Minutes mainstay was able to avoid accountability for his workplace behavior for decades, but the wave 0f witnesses that emerged in the wake of the #MeToo movement was enough to sink the legacy media personality.

Anonymous ID: 9f3b61 July 28, 2019, 5:06 p.m. No.7234734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4780

WSJ Corrects ‘Bombshell’ Report On North Korea Nukes


The Wall Street Journal quietly added a massive correction to a story that, if accurate, would have had significant implications for nuclear talks between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.


On Thursday, the newspaper reported that analysts with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) believe that North Korea may have developed as many as 12 nuclear weapons since the historic Trump-Kim summit in Singapore June 12, 2018.


“Analysts at the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency say North Korea’s scientists may have produced 12 nuclear weapons since the first Trump-Kim meeting in Singapore last year. In total, Pyongyang could currently possess between 20 and 60 nuclear bombs, according to estimates by various security analysts,” the newspaper reported.


If true, the assessment would undercut the basis for ongoing nuclear talks between Washington and Pyongyang. Trump has said he believes Kim has adhered to an agreement to curtail the development of nuclear weapons, but Trump’s critics have accused him of being naive in trusting the North Korean dictator.


The Journal story would seemingly support the latter interpretation, that Trump has misplaced confidence in Kim. Numerous news outlets picked up The Journal’s report.


But the reporting about DIA’s assessment is inaccurate, the newspaper now says. The article has been edited to remove the DIA reference, and a correction has been attached at the bottom of the piece.


“A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that analysts at the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency said North Korea could have produced 12 nuclear weapons since the Trump-Kim handshake in Singapore in June 2018. (July 27, 2019)”


The corrected story now relies on analysis from non-governmental analysts who track the development of weapons of mass destruction. The analysts told The Journal that North Korea has continued developing long-rang missile capabilities and fissile materials that could be used for nuclear weapons.


North Korea has fired off several short- and long-range missiles in recent months.


A spokesman for The Wall Street Journal did not respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 9f3b61 July 28, 2019, 5:08 p.m. No.7234758   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It's not the JEWS


Is what they want you to believe.


They just run everything, own everything and control everything from behind the scenes.


But it's not them, who claim to be Jews but are not.

Anonymous ID: 9f3b61 July 28, 2019, 5:15 p.m. No.7234856   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran says it does not need ‘permission from any world power’ to test missiles


Amid mounting tensions with the US, Iran last Wednesday tested a medium-range ballistic missile that flew a distance of 1,000 kilometers.


An Iranian Army Representatives said on Saturday that missile tests have defensive character and are not directed against any country.


Iran also wanted to make it clear that it does not need anyone’s permission to launch, after Tehran has conducted medium-range missile tests, according to Reuters, citing information from Iranian agencies.


“Iranian missile tests are natural to their defensive needs. The capability of these missiles is not directed against any country and is only intended to respond to possible aggression,” Armed Forces officials told local media, noting that the “Iran does not need the permission of any world power for its self-defense.”


Last Wednesday, amid mounting tensions with the US, Tehran tested a medium-range ballistic missile. It is a Shahab-3 missile that was launched from a region of southern Iran, flying a distance of 1,000 kilometers to reach a region near the north of the capital.

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The test conducted by the Persian nation this week came shortly after Iran announced that it would continue to reduce its nuclear agreement commitments, while demanding that the European countries that signed the treaty meet their commitments after Washington unilaterally abandoned the nuclear agreement.


Iran’s missile program remains subject to disagreement, in particular, with respect to UN Resolution 2231. The United States says this resolution prohibits Iran from launching missiles. However, the Iranian Ministry of Defense underlines that the releases do not violate the resolution.


At the same time, the South Korean Ministry of Defense on Thursday urged North Korea to abdicate actions that do nothing to reduce tensions in the peninsula.


Just before 6 am, North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles from the Hodo Peninsula near the coastal town of Wonsan toward the East Sea. One projectile flew about 430 kilometers, while the other seemed to travel a little further, according to an analysis by the United States. Both flew at an altitude of about 50 kilometers.


The second short-range missile was found to be a new-type missile and ran a distance of 690 kilometers, according to Yonhap, citing the United Committee of Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces of South Korea.


Given the scale of flight, experts cited by Yonhap said Pyongyang appeared to have tested its own version of Iskander’s Russian ballistic missiles , as it did in May.

Anonymous ID: 9f3b61 July 28, 2019, 5:21 p.m. No.7234932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5241

The Democratic Party’s AIPAC Candidates


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris might as well be Israelis, though they’re both running for the Presidency of America.


The PAC (officially a “lobbying organization”) called AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee, instead of “American Israel Political Action Committee”) represents some American Jews and Christian evangelicals — it represents the ones who place Israel’s Government above America’s Government, and who therefore lobby in the U.S. Congress for continuation of the $3.8 billion per year that America’s taxpayers, of all faiths and beliefs, must continue to pay to fund Israel’s annual purchases of weaponry from Lockheed Martin and other U.S. weapons-makers, a welfare program for America’s armaments-firms and for the billionaires who own them. And it’s welfare also for the taxpayers of Israel, who don’t have to pay that $3.8 billion per year to fund those purchases, of American weapons, to use against Palestinians, and against Syrians, and against Iranians — against Israel’s enemies, perhaps, but certainly not against America’s enemies. It’s instead for this particular enemy of America, an enemy not only because Israel is an apartheid state (which is supposed to be unAmerican), and not only because this apartheid state sucks $3.8 billion each year out of America’s taxpayers, but also because Israel is militarily an enemy of Americans — see this, for example; and also because the hostility that America’s subservience to Israel produces, throughout the Islamic world, is an even bigger loss for the American people, though America’s billionaires don’t lose anything, at all, from it — and the ones who invest in firms such as Lockheed Martin and ExxonMobil gain considerably from it. But are those corporations America?


America’s public suffers from AIPAC, but Israel’s Jews in that supremacist-Jewish apartheid land gain greatly from it, at Palestinians’ expense. America has many Jewish and other pro-Israeli billionaires (they buy ‘our’ political winners), but no billionaires that are Palestinian or even pro-Palestinian. However, the American Christian billionaire Tom Gores, who was born in Israel and whose family moved to the U.S. “when he was still a toddler”, is sometimes listed as being an “Arab” from “Palestine”, because he’s not a Jew and because some wealthy Arabs want to call him an “Arab” from “Palestine,” and not an American Catholic who had been born in Israel. Mr. Gores is non-political, but some of his extended family are pro-Palestinian and some are pro-Israel. Seven years after Tom bought his Republican uncle’s newspaper, the San Diego Union-Tribune, it endorsed Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump.


Obviously, America’s super-rich are virtually 100% against Palestinians, and the very idea of America brokering a ‘deal’ for ‘peace’ in the Middle East is absurd, really stupid, but ‘our’ billionaires’ politicians constantly promise it. And Joe Biden and Kamala Harris especially do, just as does ‘our’ current billionaire President, Donald Trump.


Here are three recent years’ speakers-lists for AIPAC’s recent annual conferences:


http://www.policyconference. (2019)






All of those speakers are neoconservatives, and they were highly supportive of America’s 2003 invasion of Iraq, and want the same now for Iran. After all: America does Israel’s bidding. Anyone who wants more of the same is in agreement with them.


And here is what Joe Biden told them at the 2016 AIPAC conference (along with his windbag platitudes):

Anonymous ID: 9f3b61 July 28, 2019, 5:28 p.m. No.7235002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5062

Everyone’s Gone Nuts. For Power and Profit.


A few Democrats get angry and all of America has to endure the hand-wringing.


Senator John Kennedy said the “four horsemen” of the Democratic party’s internal apocalypse were the “reason there are directions on a shampoo bottle”.


I doubled over in laughter. Then I watched the interview with “the squad”.


Rashida Tlaib whined about Trump being a “bully”. AOC called America a “story. Ayanna Pressley called the president “predictable” despite her and her colleagues constantly appearing surprised or taken aback by his actions. Ilhan Omar refused to retract her wildly anti-Semitic comments.


Gaslighting America into believing they’re the helpless victims of a pitchfork-wielding president.


Then there was Yahoo News basically calling actor Chris Pratt a white supremacist for wearing a t-shirt with a Gadsden Flag on it for a veteran’s charity.


It’s only been about 10 days since the Betsy Ross flag debacle. Megan Rapinoe’s U.S. flag would still be on the ground were it not for her lesbian teammate who picked it up. I mention her sexuality only because we were expected to be mad about that, for some reason. No one was.


Everyone’s gone nuts.


Then there was Yahoo News basically calling actor Chris Pratt a white supremacist for wearing a t-shirt with a Gadsden Flag.