Anonymous ID: cafd8a July 28, 2019, 5:06 p.m. No.7234740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Senator John Kennedy said the “four horsemen” of the Democratic party’s internal apocalypse were the “reason there are directions on a shampoo bottle”.


I doubled over in laughter. Then I watched the interview with “the squad”.


Rashida Tlaib whined about Trump being a “bully”. AOC called America a “story. Ayanna Pressley called the president “predictable” despite her and her colleagues constantly appearing surprised or taken aback by his actions. Ilhan Omar refused to retract her wildly anti-Semitic comments.


Gaslighting America into believing they’re the helpless victims of a pitchfork-wielding president.


Then there was Yahoo News basically calling actor Chris Pratt a white supremacist for wearing a t-shirt with a Gadsden Flag on it for a veteran’s charity.


It’s only been about 10 days since the Betsy Ross flag debacle. Megan Rapinoe’s U.S. flag would still be on the ground were it not for her lesbian teammate who picked it up. I mention her sexuality only because we were expected to be mad about that, for some reason. No one was.


Everyone’s gone nuts.


Some stealth editing going on over at @YahooEnt.


Before & After

— Amy Lutz (@amylutz4) July 17, 2019


They know they’ve gone nuts because they stealthily try to go un-nuts, having gone nuts already. Check the stealth edit on the Yahoo News article.


Originally: “Chris Pratt criticised for ‘white supremacist’ T-shirt’.


Later: “Chris Pratt criticised for T-shirt choice’.


You can’t go un-nuts once we’ve seen you go nuts.


That applies to Starbucks, Nike, Oreos, Yahoo, CNN, all of you.




For the right, it’s an example of how “everything is racist to the left”.


For the left it is an opportunity to shift the Overton window further. To create consternation about a flag that requires no consternation. To undermine the founding of America by undermining its symbols.


That’s all it took.


And that’s why all it takes to upset the political apple cart is those who John Kennedy referred to as the Democrats’ four horsemen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar.


One media company rattled the cage of another – for exposure, clicks, and profit – and America got sucked into a heated political war as a result.


The same reason Nike snubbed the Betsy Ross flag. For profit.


And that’s what the ‘Squad’ are doing to America.


Riling her up. Dividing her. Causing consternation and upheaval wherever they go, and through whatever they say.


For profit.


In their case, it’s not so much financial gain they’re after. It’s power. That’s what the whole internal fight they’re having with Nancy Pelosi is about. Power. The left craves power as the right craves autonomy.


But they’re forgetting those now “racist” words: Don’t Tread On Me.

And that’s why Trump continues to goad them. Because Americans don’t like being tread upon. And he knows elevating them provides his best hope of waking people up to the danger of a Democrat president, House, and Senate in 2020.