March 11, 2013
Australia is a Mossad base
The Australian authorities "have been letting Israeli Intel recruit Aussies, both to recruit other spies amongst the many foreigners living there, but also to do the domestic spying operations against Australians."
An AIPAC operative lectured students on "how they were going to stop Israel divestment resolutions on campuses, by taking over the student governments…"
Mossad "spends years infiltrating and gaining influence in all major parties so no matter who is in power they have their hooks in deep with both."
Australia's Attorney General is the Zionist Mark Dreyfus.
The Zionists always infiltrate justice departments.
They want to be able to block investigations into Israeli espionage.
Much of the corrupt campaign funding money comes from industrial espionage.
"They never catch any Israeli spies or break up any networks in Australia because they aren’t really trying to…
"The biggest secret these infiltrated countries have is they don’t have any security, because it has been sold to a third party."
"Attorney General Dreyfus has refused an investigation of his own department, which would of course include their intelligence service’s handling of Prisoner-X…
"Independent media has tied Zygier into not only the Dubai assassination passport fraud but other terrorist operations…
Haaretz's defense analyst, Amir Oren, reported that Zygier had told an Israeli friend, a special forces soldier, that he had killed a boy and girl in Lebanon while providing security for an Israeli covert operation in Lebanon.
"This incident caused him to leave the army and he was hospitalized with trauma for a month afterward.
"Zygier came back to Australia after that to go to school, and the Mossad had him on board watching and recruiting foreign students…
George Soros meets Indonesia's President Yudhoyono (Website for this image). Soros reportedly has links to the Rothschilds, Mark Rich, and Rafi Eytan. (The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros)
-"Australian Aide Under Probe Dead in Apparent Suicide", Washington Post, 6/17/99. Transcript of "Caught in the Crossfire":
Background on the U.S./Australia military alliance can be found in two books by Desmond Ball, A Suitable Piece of Real Estate: American Intelligence in Australia (Sydney, Hale & Iremonger, 1980) and Richelson, J.T. & Ball, D., The Ties That Bind: Intelligence Cooperation Between UKUSA Countries – the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (Allen & Unwin, 1985); details about Indonesia's intervention in East Timor can be found in William Blum's Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II (Common Courage Press, 1995).
aangirfan: CIA control of Australia? Collins, Toohey, Jenkins, control .