Heads Up. Kim dot com does this recent interview and drops all the details on S.E.S. This agency is not accountable to anyone in our government. Not even Trump. Obama made sure of that. 10,000 people work there, their salarys start at the same as the VP of the US. Sounds like a Brussell's coup. Our tax dollars pay for them. They are the one's sabotaging Trumps appointments. I don't doubt they are the reason for the shills in this room now. Here's the video https:// youtu.be/bhdgbAaSxB8
Image result for sheryl sandberg facebook
Image result for sheryl sandberg facebook
Image result for sheryl sandberg facebook
Image result for sheryl sandberg facebook
Image result for sheryl sandberg facebookMore images
Sheryl Sandberg
Chief Operating Officer of Facebook
Sheryl Kara Sandberg is an American technology executive, activist, and author. She is the chief operating officer of Facebook and founder of Leanin.org. Wikipedia
Born: August 28, 1969 (age 48), Washington, D.C.
Net worth: 1.63 billion USD (2018) Forbes
Children: 2 (with Goldberg)
Spouse: Dave Goldberg (m. 2004–2015), Brian Kraff (m. 1993–1994)
Board member of: Facebook, The Walt Disney Company, MORE
When he climbed on the fitness-center treadmill that Friday, nothing but blue sky appeared ahead: his company was doing well, his children were healthy, and he was as in love as ever with his superwoman wife Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's COO and the author of Lean In. Then his heart gave out. Goldberg—Goldie to his …
SES is in control of Facebook behind the scenes. They don't have one of their executives on the board for nothing. So why would this deep state agency want to screw the public over like this?
Love this about you Anon…you move and control the universe, it doesn't control you. You got muscle
Lindsay Graham, Flake and Schiff making the MSM flab cab rounds talking smack about Mueller and how the President can't fire him…, throwing out terms like Constitutional Crisis or leading to removing Potus from office if he does. Drama Queens is what our politicians are reduced to these days.
Is there anyone left outside of Potus, MI and the Anons who have a PAIR!!!!!
Anyone on the SC should have to take a test every year to make sure they are mentally stable since it's a life long appointment.