Feeling invigorated today. Thank you for the prayers yesterday. A few thoughts…
A. Enjoy the show means enjoy the show. This will not play out over night. And waiting and waiting for THE happening will only make you frustrated. When it comes it comes, but there are a lot of steps that have to happen before that occurs.
B. I wish I would have known how incremental Trump would be.
C. Get out in the world and spread some love. It needs it. Have a laugh at it.
D. Trump is slow mo imploding the old system for the sake of stability. Not what we want, but we will get what we want. Gonna take time.
E. Sorry to all of you that have really put yourself out their on a limb and alienated yourselves. You were right. You were always right. But people don’t take kindly to prophets, unfortunately. I say this as someone who learned wayyyy too late.
F. If you have suffered greatly it hasn’t not gone without notice. Look at Flynn dude is a fucking hero and got absolutely slammed by a corrupted system.
G. The biggest heroes are those that make themselves a target for unjust persecution. Systems test.