Anonymous ID: 739773 July 29, 2019, 6:21 a.m. No.7241174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Garlic-History and Folklore:

Garlic has been part of horticulture for at least 5000 years and was grown by the ancient Egyptians, Indians, Chinese and Babylonians.

Its image has been found in Egyptian tombs depicted as an offering to the Gods. The pyramid builders of ancient Egypt were paid partially in garlic and Egyptians swore oaths on cloves of garlic.

Roman soldiers ate garlic before battle for strength and bravery.

It was used to maintain health during the plague, as well as to ward off evil spirits, vampires, the evil eye and various spells and hexes.

It was first brought to the Americas on Columbus's second voyage.

An Islamic legend claims that when Satan left the Garden of Eden, garlic and onions grew from his footprints.


Magical Attributes:

Garlic is masculine in nature and associated with the planet Mars, the element fire and the sign Aries. It is sacred to Hecate and is a suitable offering to her left at a crossroads.

A spell from the American West to send away unwanted lover: Place a clove of garlic intersected with two crossed pins where he is sure to walk. When he walks over it, he will lose interest.

A potion with the opposite effect was made of a strand of the target's hair, threads from his or her clothing, alcohol and garlic. Somehow you had to make the target ingest this, and then he or she would fall madly in love with you.

Garlic cloves can also be used, with other things, to stuff poppets intended for negative magic.

Garlic braids hung over the door repel thieves and envious people as well as bring good look. Change the braid every year. Hanging garlic over a bedroom door will draw lovers into it.

Garlic is said to have aphrodisiac powers when eaten.

Wiping a knife with garlic juice empowers it against negative energies.

A clove of garlic can be added to any mojo bag to strengthen its energy.

Garlic is used for exorcism, spell-breaking, invoking passion, protection and strength.

Also used to protect against psychic and physical vampirism.




Hecate's Spheres of Influence:

Throughout history Hecate's spheres of influence have included just about everything. In Hellenic tradition, she is free from the constraints that bind many of the other Gods, that is,

they are bound to the realms in which they reside. Hecate has rulership over the Earth, the Sky and the Sea and can move freely throughout them. She rules over all useful herbs, those that are magical,

healing or poisonous and governs the secret knowledge of their use as well as the knowledge of sorcery, witchcraft and necromancy. She guards entrance ways, crossroads and boundaries of every sort.

Where paths meet, masks would be placed in honor of Hekate's many faces. Offerings were left to her to help with changes of course. Hekate is the patron of witches, and she was has been honored more recently

by Dianic groups as the Mother of witches. It is Hekate that is said to have taught the first women witchcraft. She can be invoked as a bestower of wealth and favor.

Hecate's Deipnon:

Traditionally, food offerings are left at the household shrines or at crossroads or other liminal places at the dark of the moon and once the offerings are placed, it is forbidden to look back at them.

This major ritual of Hellenic tradition is known as Hecate's Supper or Hecate's Deipnon and is attested in much ancient literature. Traditional offerings for Hecate's Supper include fish (particularly red mullet), eggs and garlic.



Anonymous ID: 739773 July 29, 2019, 6:53 a.m. No.7241439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1454



I love his channel, Dude's such a greazy weirdo that's obsessed with folk dancing in every video, but all his videos are based and totally on point.