Okay. Now I am interested. The article OP linked in a follow up: https://impiousdigest.com/us-army-takes-over-pentagon-after-us-navy-smuggles-isis-snipers-into-america-to-kill-trump/
Cites the reason the SEAL Team 7 is rotating home is because of a plot to smuggle ISIS snipers into the US.
From the gaggle fuck of chained together text that is this article:
"…who detailed to his Russian Military Police interrogators how he had been working with an elite group of US Navy Seals stationed in Iraq to smuggle into Mexico ISIS snipers he had trained, who would then be smuggled into America itself by another group of US Marines, and whose intended assassination target was Trump—that caused now Secretary of Defence Esper, within the past 24-hours, to suspend from duty, and order back to America from Iraq, 19 US Navy Seals and four of their support troops—as well as his further ordering the immediate arrest of at least 16 US Marines—who are the ground force of the US Navy. "
This stands in opposition to the Vox (and other) articles stating SEAL Team 7 is rotating home b/c of drinking and (rape?). https://www.vox.com/2019/7/25/8930019/navy-seal-iraq-drinking-socom
Call to dig, WTF is this ISIS Sniper Story?
What doesn't add up to me is that a commander wouldn't just kick a whole SEAL Team from theater unless there was some CRAZY shit going down. Rape? Fry the motherfucker who did it and move on (unless they all were banging - then ya relieve the team). Drinking? Fuck no - the teams do what they want and have their own compounds usually segregated from the main population with additional security. Who the fuck kicks an entire team out for just drinking. Something else has to be going on IMO.