Anonymous ID: 160bce July 29, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.7244570   🗄️.is 🔗kun

their is no way on earth that wrays a good guy

he must wake up every day with russia talking points.

warned about russia hacking election( more dem talking points)

warned about russia spying (more dem talking points)

all the guy has done is cause more talk about russia and to give the dems more fuel to yell russia again during the 2020 election he needs gone honestly before he starts something worse than sending out articles about russia every damn month the guy is a conspiracy theorist at this point puting dont give 2 shits people he gets on tv in russia and sais america deserves better the dems and some beuracrats are trying to remove our beliefs and the christian values our country was braught up on why would he say things like these then try to make trump lose or hack elections? why would he even get involvled .. i meen if he did he most likely would just back a pres behind the scenese not interfere (money adds and news storys funding would be enough) i wouldnt call it medling but maybe im thinking like the dems their … anyways wray gotta go im sorry i like putin and i listen to alot of what hes got to say and all he does is badmouth the bad guys and i havent seen shit for proof to prove he did anything wrong at all