Anonymous ID: 188751 July 29, 2019, 12:27 p.m. No.7246164   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Queen's ex-private secretary Lord Geidt is being eyed as Britain's next US ambassador in battle with Civil Service chief Sir Mark Sedwill after resignation of Sir Kim Darroch


Christopher Geidt, 57, is on the shortlist to replace Sir Kim Darroch in the USA

Sir Kim offered his resignation this month after undiplomatic language he used about Donald Trump in trans-Atlantic cables was leaked to the Mail on Sunday

Cabinet secretary Sir Mark Sedwill is also believed to be among the three people in line for the job


A former private secretary to the Queen who has been knighted four times and elevated to the peerage may be on track to add a still-loftier title to his name by becoming His Excellency, the British Ambassador to the United State.


Christopher Geidt, 57, is on a shortlist of three to replace Sir Kim Darroch in Washington, according to senior Whitehall sources quotes in the Sunday Times.


Lord Geidt served a Her Majesty's right hand man for seven years but was ejected from the post two years ago amid claims of a royal power struggle between Buckingham Palace and Clarence House over the succession.


He was made a Baron in 2017, and holds the ranks of Knight Commander and Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, and Knight Commander and Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath in addition to having an OBE.


The list has been compiled by the Foreign Office and submitted to Number 10, where the final name will be chosen and submitted the Queen's approval in the next few weeks.


'The job is Sir Christopher Geidt's if he wants it,' said one well-placed source, although another said he seemed reluctant to take it the role, saying: 'I would put money on him being offered the job — but whether he will take it is another matter.'

Anonymous ID: 188751 July 29, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.7246194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6612 >>6865

Zarif: We will not compromise on territorial integrity with anybody


Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the foreign ministry will not compromise on the country’s territorial integrity with anybody, including with regard to Iran's territorial waters.


Zarif made the remarks while addressing an open session of the Iranian parliament (Majlis) on Monday with regard to the Caspian Sea legal regime and Iran's share of the seabed and its resources.


“When it comes to Iran's territorial integrity and waters, we will stand on ceremony with nobody and will not negotiate with any party about honors Iran has gained during the past 40 years …. The administration is committed to this issue and the Majlis has the final say on it,” Iran's top diplomat told lawmakers.


Iran's foreign minister added that following the collapse of the former Soviet Union, Iran's diplomatic apparatus did its best to safeguard Iran's interests in the Caspian Sea, adding, “Although these negotiations have been very difficult, all our efforts were focused on protecting Iran's interests.”


“A glance at the history [of Iran] will show that parts of Iran were separated [from the country] under previous [monarchial] dynasties and it was only under the Islamic Republic that despite the imposed war [with Iraq] and tremendous pressures, not a handspan of the country’s soil has been lost and this is a great honor for Iran's leadership and people,” Zarif noted.


Iran's foreign minister also told lawmakers that necessary guarantees have been taken from other littoral states of the Caspian Sea not to make any decision on the sea’s legal regime in the absence of Iran, because “the issue of the Caspian Sea, unlike the issue of Arvand River between Iran and Iraq, is not a bilateral issue … and is covered by the agreement signed in 1975.”

Anonymous ID: 188751 July 29, 2019, 12:30 p.m. No.7246201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6209 >>6416 >>6612 >>6865

U.S. Preparing Militant Sabotage Groups To Attack Syrian Oil Infrastructure: Russia


The US is preparing militant sabotage groups that would be tasked with attacks on Syrian oil infrastructure, the Russian Defense Ministry warned on July 29. According to reports, such groups have been spotted in the areas of al-Suwayda, al-Bukamal and Palmyra.


Head of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operational Department Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi said that the US is training around 2,700 miltiants of Jaysh Maghawir al-Thawra and other militant groups. US-trained sabotage groups are being deployed in the government-held areas to destabilize the situation there.


The Russian side added that the situation is also tense in the Idlib de-escalation zone. According to Col. Gen. Rudskoi, at least 500 members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham were deployed from the northern part of the zone to southern Idlib.


He added that the Syrian Army has also repelled two militant attacks on its positions in northern Hama and southern Idlib. Around 300 fighters, 10 battle tanks and 20 vehicles armed with guns were employed by militant groups.

Anonymous ID: 188751 July 29, 2019, 12:31 p.m. No.7246214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6242 >>6293 >>6317 >>6612 >>6865

The Israel Anti-Boycott Act: The Bill that Could Imprison “Israel Boycotters” for 20 years


In a recent post on the Mondoweiss website, Journalist Philip Weiss examines the Israel Anti-Boycott Act that would punish those boycotting Israel with a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison. The legislation is being sponsored by both conservatives and liberals.


Mondoweiss, founded by Weiss in 2006, explains on its website that it “grew inside the progressive Jewish community.” In his post Weiss is commenting on an Intercept article by Glenn Greenwald and Ryan Grim about the legislation.


Weiss says that the Israel lobby is responsible for the legislation and indicates that it is Jewish Zionists, not Christian Zionists, who are the main wielders of power on the issue.


He writes:


“Ultimately, this is a story about the fight inside Jewish life over Zionism and support for Israel. I believe we will win this fight, and that this legislation will help us. The legislation will shock many civil-liberties-loving Jews. The Intercept story will force legislators to redraft the legislation.”


Weiss reports that “a year ago Stephanie Schriock of Emily’s List and JJ Goldberg of the Forward described the ‘gigantic’ and ‘shocking’ degree of the Democratic Party’s reliance on Jewish wealth for campaign contributions.”


Below is an excerpt from Weiss’s article:


“Bill making it a federal crime to support BDS sends shockwaves through progressive community.“


…This bill is the work of the Israel lobby. It was drafted by one of the lead Israel-support groups, AIPAC– “one of the most powerful, and pernicious, lobbying forces in the country,” as the Intercept puts it. Greenwald and Grim raise the issue of the American people’s interest:


“In what conceivable sense is it of benefit to Americans to turn them into felons for the crime of engaging in political activism in protest of a foreign nation’s government?


I would answer that question frankly by explaining that the bill is about the Israel lobby’s presence inside the Democratic Party, and therefore of the role of conservative Zionist Jews inside the Democratic Party. The efforts by many to claim that the Israel lobby is also evangelical Christians (lately Paul Pillar at Lobelog) is pure deception when it comes to the Democratic Party. Evangelical Christians don’t tell Schumer and Gillibrand how to vote on stem-cell research or abortion, and they don’t tell them how to vote on Israel either. No, the organized Jewish community does.


Older Jews tend to be huge ideological supporters of Israel. Ben Cardin goes to synagogues and tells other older Jews that Palestinian statehood is “anti-American.” Schumer has called himself the “Schomer” or guardian of Israel and said that there is a Jewish interest in supporting Israel. A year ago Stephanie Schriock of Emily’s List and JJ Goldberg of the Forward described the “gigantic” and “shocking” degree of the Democratic Party’s reliance on Jewish wealth for campaign contributions.


Ultimately, this is a story about the fight inside Jewish life over Zionism and support for Israel. I believe we will win this fight, and that this legislation will help us. The legislation will shock many civil-liberties-loving Jews. The Intercept story will force legislators to redraft the legislation.

Anonymous ID: 188751 July 29, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.7246253   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NATO Terrorists Bomb Syrian Towns, SAA Bombs NATO Terrorists


The flood of tears from NATO media journalists over the impending liberation of Idlib has completely blinded them to facts on the ground in Syria. Over the past weeks, they have missed the mortar, missile and IED attacks on civilians, their homes, their cars, their universities, their coffee shops — in Aleppo, in Damascus, in Hama, in Lattakia. They have missed the children blown up by landmines and the soldiers ambushed and decapitated. In addition to the murders committed by the world’s human garbage, with weapons from NATO countries and its satraps, the Shaer Gas Pipeline in Homs, and the Baniyas Refinery Terminal in Tartous were sabotaged.


On 26 July, terrorist gangs bombed the towns of Salhab and Mhardeh, and the village of Asileh, with rockets. The Syrian Arab Army retaliated, destroying an undisclosed number of launchers and “fortifications.”


Damage by the armed savages was fortunately limited to property and infrastructure.


The Syrians of Mhardeh have been a frequent target of the deranged, violent criminals adored by NATO journalists. In September, 11 persons going about their daily lives were massacred; 9 immediately, and 2 subsequently succumbing to critical injuries. That slaughter occurred on the same day that UNSC President Nikki Haley was warning Syria not to fight terrorists in Syria.

Anonymous ID: 188751 July 29, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.7246296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6395 >>6471 >>6529 >>6555

Epstein case: judge agrees to keep documents on 2008 plea deal secret


Court grants prosecutors’ request amid concern that releasing materials could hinder investigation of financier’s associates


A judge in New York has granted a request from prosecutors to keep secret documents relating to Jeffrey Epstein’s controversial 2008 sexual abuse plea deal, on the grounds that the materials could hamper their investigation of others in the financier’s milieu.


The documents, which will be shared with Epstein’s attorneys, are believed to concern not only the deal itself, which allowed Epstein to plead guilty to low-level state solicitation charges, but also a clause that granted immunity to any and all potential co-conspirators and named four women suspected of facilitating or participating in alleged crimes against minors.


The documents may also shed light on the 2008 deal, which was kept secret from accusers for nearly a year in what some claim was a violation of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act. Controversy over the deal forced the resignation earlier this month of the US labor secretary, Alex Acosta, who was US attorney in Miami at the time.


In a court filing, prosecutors with the southern district of New York argued that the materials could “affect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals … [and that] would impede, if prematurely disclosed, the government’s ongoing investigation of uncharged individuals”.


The order is only one of several signals that prosecutors plan to widen their investigation into what they allege was a years-long scheme to recruit and sexually abuse dozens of girls.


Epstein, denied bail and remaining in custody pending trial, has pleaded not guilty to federal sex-trafficking charges. He is on suicide watch in a Manhattan detention facility, after being found unconscious with marks on his neck.


On Friday, it was revealed that pilots of Epstein’s private jets, including a Boeing 727 that carried high-profile friends to and from his home in the Virgin Islands, have been served with subpoenas.


According to court filings, the pilots were responsible for keeping flight logs of passengers on the jets. Their testimony could be used by prosecutors to corroborate accusers’ accounts and provide details of Epstein associates.


Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew, who was named in a civil suit brought by Epstein accuser Victoria Giuffre in 2003, are regularly named among associates of Epstein.

Anonymous ID: 188751 July 29, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.7246533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel kicks off operation to deport foreign workers, children


Amid a wave of public protests, the Population and Immigration Authority intends to deport at least 100 foreign workers, mainly from the Philippines, who have overstayed their work permits, along with their Israeli-born children


Amid a wave of national protests Israel’s immigration authorities on Monday expelled the first family as part of an operation intended to locate, arrest and deport illegal foreign workers and their families.


The Population and Immigration Authority intends to deport at least 100 illegal foreign workers, mostly from the Philippines, and their children who were largely born in Israel.



A Filipina carer and her 11-month-old baby - who were arrested over a week ago - were deported in the early hours of Monday morning, becoming the first ones to be flown back to their home country as part of the operation.,7340,L-5559615,00.html

Anonymous ID: 188751 July 29, 2019, 1:03 p.m. No.7246720   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White House: All Democratic Members of Congress Invited to Attend Trump’s Signing of 9/11 Bill, None Attend


No Democratic members of Congress attended the event featuring President Donald Trump signing a bill on July 29 to extend the compensation fund for the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attack survivors, despite all of them receiving invitations, according to the White House.


A White House official told the pool reporter that every single member of Congress was invited to the ceremony but none of the Democrats showed up to the event.


“Following up on the guest list the White House provided for the 9/11 event—which notably did not include any Democratic lawmakers—an official tells me the following on background: Every member of Congress was invited to attend today’s event,” the reporter said.


Some Republican members attended, including Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), and Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.).


The House and the Senate are both in recess.


Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former New York Mayor George Pataki, and over 100 individuals impacted by the attacks, including widows, siblings, and children of people who died in the attacks attended the event.


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, staunch Democrat and bill promoter Jon Stewart, and New York City Maor Bill de Blasio were not at the White House for the signing. It was not clear if they were invited.


The bill Trump signed was H.R. 1327, named the “Never Forget the Heroes: James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer, and Luis Alvarez Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act.”


The bill reauthorized the fund through Fiscal Year 2092.


During the ceremony, Trump stated: “I want to thank lawmakers in both parties for working with common purpose to pass this vital and critical legislation.”

Anonymous ID: 188751 July 29, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.7246771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6785

Citi To Fire Hundreds Of Traders As Revenue Tumbles


It's not just the melting ice cube known as Deutsche Bank that that is laying off recession-level numbers of traders: according to Bloomberg, Citigroup is also preparing hundreds of job cuts at its slumping trading division as more of the world’s largest firms respond to dormant clients and the rise of the robots with across the board layoffs.


According to the report, Citi - which plans to slash jobs across both its fixed-income and stock trading business over the course of 2019 - will let go at least 100 jobs in its equities unit, or almost 10% of that division.


The mass terminations are not a surprise in light of the chronic decline in Wall Street trading revenues as numerous clients simply refuse to allocate capital to stocks at current levels and pursue the S&P bubble beyond 3,000, certain it's only a matter of time before the market crashes. As we noted two weeks ago when the big moneycenter banks reported Q2 earnings, the biggest Wall Street banks are facing an identity crisis, pressured by the lowest first-half trading revenue in more than a decade as they contend with reticent clients spooked by a global trade war even as volatility in asset prices hovering around record lows. In other words, despite near perfect trading conditions, bank trading revenues are plunging. One can only imagine what happens if and when trading conditions are even modestly "impaired."


According to Bloomberg, Citi's revenue from equity trading tumbled 17% to $1.6 billion for the first half of 2019, driving a 5% drop in total trading. That was lowest equity total among major U.S. firms, according to Bloomberg Intelligence.


Meanwhile, Citigroup executives said this month they would continue to cut costs in the second half of the year after trimming more than analysts expected last quarter.


“We’re going to do everything within our power” to meet a goal of a 12% return on tangible equity this year, CEO Mike Corbat said after the bank announced earnings on July 15.


Citi joins Deutsche Bank, which made the biggest move earlier this month, when the firm announced it was exiting all of equities trading as part of restructuring that included 18,000 job cuts. Other major banks in Europe, including HSBC Holdings Plc and Societe Generale SA, have also announced the layoffs of hundreds of workers in an atmosphere that may be the gloomiest since the financial crisis, yet the S&P is withing spitting distance of new all time highs.


Ironically, in an environment of already depressed liquidity, these layoffs will result in even less prop and flow trading, leading to even lower liquidity, even more accentuated and sharp moves when volatility does spike, resulting in even greater trading losses during the next market correction or bear market, assuring even greater layoffs next time round, as the world finally realizes what we have been saying for the past decade: the market is broken, and between the Fed and algos propping it up, there is simply no need for human traders any more, especially now that Passive investing will overtake Active…

Anonymous ID: 188751 July 29, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.7246837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6856

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