Anonymous ID: 241b2b Jan. 18, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.82606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3345

What makes me crazy with all of this stuff - The extra effort that goes into proving "one theory" and not being sensible about it. I'm sure that many of the items referenced were used. NanoThermite is a fact. Guided Missiles? Seems obvious. There are ones designed for taking down buildings and targeted depth, etc.) It is clear that a cruise missile of some variety was used in all 4 attacks (including the field for flight 93). The warhead (wide range possible on cruise missiles) + planted explosives (lookup deathbed CIA confession - WTC 7 building demolition / explosives crew.) Some warheads fall just shy of being considered nuclear weapons. There is plenty of evidence of helicopters / dooms day plane, big training exercise to confuse FAA and response, doctored (sometimes poorly) video / CGI for planes, lack of debris in all 3 sites or debris that defies physics, eye witness footage / interviews that conflict with narrative, several plausible motives for the attack (especially with benefit of hindsight.) The perfect cell phone reception on planes at cruising altitudes (not possible.) I can't drive up the interstate without dropped calls. I only find more and more lies and cover-up. One day, hopefully, this will actually be fully understood and public.