Justaman ID: 251978 Anon's need your help March 6, 2018, 5:30 a.m. No.566687   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon's your my last hope. I'm being silenced for simply making a video and sharing it on Twitter.


In the video, I take the Nuclear Posture Review, a public government document, and an Putin's state of the Nation speech from last week to highlight how the MSM fails to report key details. Trump and Putin have put on quiet a show and MSM is ignoring it! Pg. 46 of Post Nuclear Review. What Putin says at the end of his State of Nation last week… We are on the brink of nuclear war (Staged) and and MSM ignores it!!!!! Reality is a conspiracy! WE MUST EXPOSE THIS.


I posted it in replies to MSM Twitter accounts, with 'I can prove you are fake news'.


Couple of hours later I was banned. I have a second account, but no one is replying to my tweets.


My link is here. Get my story out. Share this info.


Banned Twitter @tfconspirasist


Video: https:// youtu.be/AJUsXmrmnD4

Justaman ID: 251978 Help take 2 - With real link March 6, 2018, 5:36 a.m. No.566715   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the video, I take the Nuclear Posture Review, a public government document, and an Putin's state of the Nation speech from last week to highlight how the MSM fails to report key details. Trump and Putin have put on quiet a show and MSM is ignoring it! Pg. 46 of Post Nuclear Review. What Putin says at the end of his State of Nation last week… We are on the brink of nuclear war (Staged) and and MSM ignores it!!!!! Reality is a conspiracy! WE MUST EXPOSE THIS.


Actual link as last one didn't work….

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJUsXmrmnD4&t=1355s

Justaman ID: 251978 Take 3!! March 6, 2018, 5:41 a.m. No.566725   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sorry for spam, but when I test the links they don not work. Here's an image of the video. You may have to find it yourselves… Account name Lee Attewell.


https:// www.youtube.com/channel/UCmkfAAX-0Qb42660W0J0oeA

Justaman ID: 251978 This is going to sound crazy... March 6, 2018, 6:38 a.m. No.566948   🗄️.is 🔗kun

OK Anons


Plan B. Forget my video.


We just need to get this out. Trump has given us a gift. A conspiracy we can prove and hold the media accountable with!


We know on pg 46 of the Nuclear Posture review, Trump updated policy to include 'arbitrary' reasons. This is very, very dangerous talk. I honestly don't think he means it… but the question is… why isn't the MSM demonising him for it? Because it doesn't fit the Russian Collusion narrative. So this statement, that puts the ENTIRE world in danger and should be reported on, is being ignored.


We've seen him say things just to trigger the media in the past… So as crazy as this sounds we need to start flooding Trump's Twitter with questions about the Nuclear Posture update. Demand he explains why the public doesn't know about this gigantic piece of news. Who then has to explain themselves?


(Which BTW, nuclear review dropped 2nd Feb… same day as the Nunes memo. Coincidence?)


Anon's we need to help the general public see this conspiracy. We need to organise and control the narrative. We're on the brink of a, staged, nuclear war… The public has the right to know!