Anonymous ID: d855e4 Jan. 16, 2018, 11:28 a.m. No.66964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8550


The best documentary i have ever watched on the event is - 911 The New Pearl Harbor.


Its nearly 5 hours long, but worth it for the wealth of information and research involved. watch?v=dWUzfJGmt5U

Anonymous ID: d855e4 Jan. 16, 2018, 2:52 p.m. No.68537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8603



It compares the events of 911 to pearl harbor. It argues that in both events the Tops of the government knew what was going to happen, and possibly planned them to happen.


Its an analytical documentary that uses the 911 commission report, and chapter by chapter proves it wrong.


It brings into question the experience of the 'Pilots' with interviews of experts that prove the spiral maneuver into the pentagon to be false. And at those impossible speeds in the downward descent, wings would have ripped off from the turbulence.


It addresses the use of mobile phones with experiments held in i think 2008 to see mobile success rates at certain altitudes.


It questions the ABSENCE of key top level people during the event. And how all of them gained promotions as a consequence.


Facts such as the location in which the pentagon was hit, was the only place recently renovated to withstand missile attacks.


How the Pennsylvania crash was absorbed into the earth, but yet passports and items where found elsewhere.


((Building 7))


The typical EXERCISE being held simultaneously.


the 6 month cool down period for the Twin tower 'DEMOLITION'


Watch it. Its defiantly enlightening.