I think a lot of this can be explained by neutron bombs in the basement and/or the core.
The bombs would have vaporized large amounts of structural steel, turning it into spherules. Iron will absorb neutrons and become radioactive itself. It will have its own internal heat source which could persist for months depending on exposure. This is why pools of molten metal were found in the basement even after the entire pile was hosed down for months. This is why the bedrock appears to have been sculpted like it was at the underground nuclear test site.
People exposed to 9/11 dust had significant increases in cancers normally associated with radiation, such as blood cancers, multiple myeloma, and thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer in particular is caused by either a rare genetic defect, or exposure to iodine-131, which is only found in fresh fission products.
http:// stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/22602/cdc_22602_DS1.pdf
The debris had elevated levels of tritium.
Tritium is used in neutron bombs. Also, witnesses reported explosions in the basement.
https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-04-15/one-man-asks-why-was-tritium-found-911-ground-zero
Israel did it with stolen W54 pits and a lot of help from the Bushes. Sandia Labs has the proof. There are a lot more of these things out there for use in the Samson Option if the goyim get uppity.
http:// 12160.info/forum/topics/russians-release-assessment-of-nuclear-weapons-used-on-9-11
Plutonium and technetium are nuclear smoking guns which would have been found in the debris but the USGS didn't test for them because these elements don't occur in nature!
>"but neutron bombs are supposed to kill people while leaving buildings intact"
That is what would happen with an airburst. This was different. All the energy and neutrons went into the structure of a single building. Check out Wikipedia. It is good for nuke physics 101.
>"but muh EMP"
Only matters for large H-bombs detonated in the upper atmosphere.
>"but muh thermite"
There might have been thermite too. These people don't like leaving things to chance. But thermite can't explain sculpted bedrock, molten metal persisting for months, toasted cars, thyroid cancer, the apparent disintigration of the structure, etc.
>"But muh holographic planes and Tesla death rays"
Clowns trying to get us lost down a rabbithole and make us look retarded. Same idea as flat Earth.
Other general evidence of 9/11 being a false flag: Building 7 freefall collapse after minor damage, dancing Israelis, Israeli "art students", Larry "Pull It" Silverstein's double Jewish Lightning insurance scam / asbestos removal technique, Urban Moving Systems, attempted NYC bombings, remote control planes, Pentagon announcing "loss" of $2.3 trillion the night before and calling emergency meeting of auditors who were killed the next day, Building 7 had the emergency management offices plus a bunch of offices investigating Enron, Wall Street fraud and bond fraud related to the end of the Cold War, WTF happened to the Shanksville and Pentagon planes, Bushes gave Bin Laden family given safe passage out of America… Read more from Killtown's 250 smoking guns. Memory holed but archived:
https:// web.archive.org/web/20110402033357/http:// killtown.911review.org:80/911smokingguns.html
You can see how deeply infiltrated our government is here. The organization required to pull off this complicated bureaucratic dance is a serious blackpill. The article also discusses the need to monetize hundreds of billions of dollars of bonds which were coming due, plus provide the excuses for war abroad and a police state at home:
https:// www.scribd.com/doc/9442970/Collateral-Damage-U-S-Covert-Operations-and-the-Terrorist-Attacks-on-September-11-2001-28062008
Disclosure is not complete unless it includes the full story of 9/11, the Bushes, Israel, nukes, what happened to the planes, and how our government got to the point where such treason was possible.