that's some POWERFUL gerrymandering, huh? Notice how there's a huge geographical area of rural area…
Prior to the previous census, there was a majority-white majority-Republican district in Maryland… since the redistricting, Maryland maintained the same number of districts, but they are now all blue… all of the districts seem to have a small portion of them reaching into the major metro areas of Baltimore and those counties just outside of Washington DC.
Notice in the attached image… DC is near the center, bordering MD 8, and MD 4… but notice how MD 5 is made to get VERY CLOSE to DC… MD 6 is the very white, very rural area of MD that is NW of DC… but it's been made to be close to the city as well. MD 3 is VERY gerrymandered… all around Baltimore, but includingg a lot of the more rural areas…
MD 7, 2, 3, and 4 all somehow include a ton of Rural area, but also all have portions of their districts in Baltimore itself…