Good morning Frenz.
All you prayer warriors out there, I realized this morning that one very specific way we can engage the spiritual battle is this: Now that we know a lot of the surface details of Little Saint James Island, and we know that it was a center of a particularly powerful evil, we must pray over it. Pray that every inch of that place be revealed and cleansed, that the light of God's truth and justice may shine over, under and through it, and that His mercy be granted to every innocent soul that suffered there. Walk over it in your mind, and see Golgotha; whatever the truth of that place is, we know it was terrible. And yet, we also know that through Christ, what was unclean can be made clean again.
My praying Frenz, we know the power of prayer. We know how God works in our lives, and we know that through prayer, mountains may be moved. So let it be. Pray that this center of evil may not remain when all is said and done, festering like a canker upon the face of the Earth, but that it be cleansed and sealed, so that no such evil can ever happen there again. This, and every place like it.
May God be with us all, and may He strengthen our hearts, our minds, our souls and our faith in the days to come, whatever may happen.
God bless Anons, God bless Q team, and God bless Q+.
God bless you shills, too. May He work in your lives in unmistakable ways, and may your hearts turn to Him and away from falseness, before it is too late.