Pb >>7257002
The episode called sold-y locks has the pedo swirls behind the cruise ship stage where robert goulet is singing and pyramid candle/lamps on the tables where carrie and doug dance. It is the episode where she sells her hair. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4unvw9 This shit is in all of tv and movies. Patton oswalt in scene same episode with pedo swirl green chair AGAIN. Why are his scenes with that symbol iver and over? Like they know. Look @7:50 for pyramids on tables and pedo swirls on walls. And look @9:07-9:12 for patton oswalt and pedo chair. Makes me wonder about the guy who plays carries dad as well because he was in both episodes that have the chair and patton and has been in hollywood for decades, jerry stiller,super star ben stillers dad in real life