Prostitutes who advertise in publications often state their fees in roses rather than dollars (300 roses, rather than $300).
Maybe related?
Prostitutes who advertise in publications often state their fees in roses rather than dollars (300 roses, rather than $300).
Maybe related?
As Q would say, "expand your thinking."
No way this is ONLY about Cummings and Baltimore.
Think: Presidential election upcoming. Who in that election might be taken down by the same tactics?
Democrat debate tonight in DETROIT.
Cory Booker - former mayor of NEWARK NJ
Pete Buttplug - mayor of SOUTH BEND IN
Kamala Harris - AG or CALIFORNIA
Jay Inslee - Gov of Washington … think: SEATTLE
Bill de Blasio - Mayor of NEW YORK CITY
John Delaney - US Rep from Maryland … think: BALTIMORE
Funny … none of those "top 5 most popular" countries speak English.