I'm gaypooping the loaf with gender fluids over the baby graves
I'm shilling off baby graves with gaypoop gender fluids
That's my walrus alter ego
Let's celebrate mah gaypoop flinging seo enterprise for prime bilbos on jootube with queer gender fluids over baby graves
All these pedos survive of mah gaypoop indexing seo campaigns
And queer gender fluids
Over baby graves
This is our nambla president full of cocaine and tax evasion
This pedo touched my peepee
I crave negro cock too but not as bad as Hogg or danielfaggot
Danielfaggot and willcock get off on posting anime when they are jerkingoff
It means Bullshit so my seo campaign can make a shitty screenplay
Maybe your are just gagging on fart chambers and peanut butter