>>7260116 pb
>>7259391 pb
Been chasin' breads trying to catch up to you. Mornin'from FRee at QRB. Prolly not am wherever you are, tho. Was tracking down the q post timing from last night, had submitted pastebin with correct order but it got lost e-baked #9284 @725). Confusing, anyways, with all those deleted Q posts….Hope u r well, see ya round the next bend…..o7
>>7260126 pb
Claim: BO/BV cannot edit images.
Nope, NOT TRUE. BO/BVs can edit the image. I know, bc I made the same mistake–inserted by "baker icon" where the Iwo Jima Image should be. Ouch. It stayed there until morning, but thankfully disappeared when BO/BV team arrived. This was in March, before mgmt change, in case that matters…..