Anonymous ID: 79a439 July 30, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.7261010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1435

Here's how it works, anons.


A few mega rich guys (behind the scenes) run large foundations. Those are the piggy banks.


The go to members of Congress or other politicians/conspirators and tell them, "You want to make some extra money? You want to get rich?" Here's what you do …


Create your own private foundation. We will arrange for your foundation to get some grant money from the government. You can siphon off some of that money for your "management company," and you donate the rest of the money to our foundations.


Then, we use that money to disburse it to various other foundations that will use it in ways we direct. We will also use those mega funds to own stocks to control the market, companies, industries, advertising, television networks, book publishers, universities, and governments.


Elijah Cummings' wife, Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, is the head of the Maryland DNC. She has been accused of taking large management fees from her foundation, Center for Global Policy Solutions. Here is an article about that:


Here is her foundation's website – she is listed at the bottom:


Here is the IRS Form 990 tax return for 2016:


Items of note:


  1. Part I, Line 8: Total contributions (donations coming in) was $1,489,209.


  1. Part I, Line 18: Total expenses were $1,623,497. Foundation operating at a loss for that year.


  1. Part VII, Item 5 (page 7 of pdf): Maya Rockymoore Cummings is the only officer who earned any money: $152,238. This is a foundation that LOST money.


  1. Part IX, Line 24a (page 10 of pdf): Professional Fees: $482,574. The tax return does not disclose to whom those fees were paid, but the above article indicates a substantial amount went to Cummings' management company.


  1. Go back to page 2 of the pdf. Note that the amounts spent on the foundation's mission (charitable expenditures) was $1,482,397. Almost the exact amount of the donations coming in, with the rest of the expenses resulting in losses. That is reported on Part III, Line 4 (a, b, c, d).


  1. Then, go to page 14 of pdf. Under "Additional Data" it shows that the $1.4 million went to the Ford Foundation, Kansas Health Foundation, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


  1. Page 33 of the pdf shows that the remaining money went to the Annie E Casey Foundation.


So, all of the donations to Cummings' foundation went to 4 charities, and a significant amount was also paid out to Mrs. Cummings herself, resulting in a loss for the foundation.


She claims to work 40 hours per week in the foundation. To donate to 4 other foundations? $150k per year to write 4 checks? Hmm.


Let's look at those 4 foundations.


Ford Foundation - one of the biggest in the world. Alleged to be a CIA front nowadays. Not what Henry Ford had in mind, most likely, when he set it up.


Kansas Health Foundation - Kind of weird that a Baltimore foundation would grant money to a foundation that serves people in Wichita, Kansas. I have not looked into this foundation.


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - Created by the Johnson & Johnson company family. It serves the needs of … children.


Annie E. Casey Foundation – Created by the founder of UPS. Also serves the needs of … children.


Here is a IRS Form 990 for the Annie E. Casey Foundation:


ALL the money is donated to other foundations – NOT individuals.


Annie E. Casey Foundation, as far as I can tell, is a PRIVATE FOUNDATION.


Cumming's foundation is ALSO a PRIVATE FOUNDATION.


General rule is a private foundation can NOT donate money to another private foundation, only to public charities (who give the money directly to individuals, not a network of other foundations).


Also, look at all the stock ownership of the Casey foundation.


Casey, Johnson, and Ford will have a combined total of MASSIVE amounts of money owning stocks. These are just 3 foundations, not including all the smaller foundations these companies donate to and not to mention all the other large foundations, who do the same thing.


THIS is how money could be moved around, resulting in certain people "benefiting" from the money.


Think about all the government money that goes to "charity" and "foreign aid."


This is how they move it around and pay people off.


This does not even include all the "board of director" positions that former politicians get paid from. Romney was on multiple boars, including Marriott. Paul Ryan is on the board of FOX NEWS.