Not a drill: Hawaii missile false alarm caused surge in anxiety with lasting effects, report says
Published time: 30 Jul, 2019 15:59
Edited time: 30 Jul, 2019 16:11
"A false alarm ‘incoming missile’ alert sent to people in Hawaii in January 2018 had a lasting effect on anxiety levels, a new study has shown. People who were less anxious beforehand were most affected by the incident.
“Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii,” the erroneous text message said. “Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill.” It took 38 minutes before a second text was sent out confirming the first alert was a false alarm.
An analysis of Twitter activity before and after the event reveal insights into the anxiety levels felt by the people in Hawaii at the time of and after the event. "
"Screenshots from a cell phone displaying an alert for a ballistic missile launch and the subsequent false alarm message in Hawaii January 13, 2018. © Reuters / Hugh Gentry"