Anonymous ID: 34924d July 30, 2019, 11:34 a.m. No.7261729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1780 >>1864 >>2228 >>2262 >>2327



To bypass the mainstream media (e.g. MSNBC, CNN, NYT) and its controlled opposition (e.g. Infowars), the US executive is engaged in a direct dialogue with (select parts of) the public. If you want to understand why that is necessary, you need to do some research on the historical relationship between the media and the (hitherto out of control) intelligence services.


This is a war for credibility and legitimacy, with the battle now emerging from the shadows into the public eye. It doesn’t really matter what you think of Trump or his administration per se, because this is not “politics” as you’ve come to know it. There is de facto a military government in the USA right now running the show, fighting the “deep state” shadow government. It maintains a civilian facade for show, to avoid panic and societal meltdown.


Don’t believe me?


There was a formal state of emergency hat was declared in December, with all the powers that entails, and remains in force:


Military tribunals are in preparation:


Vast assets seizures have taken place:


Sealed indictments are running at 30+ times the normal level.


Thousands of senior executives have resigned.


Abnormal numbers of politicians have not seeking reelection.


Watergate was a tiny blip compared to this. The anonymous team behind the Q identity is the new “Deep Throat”, and “anons” and “autists” are the new Woodwards and Bernsteins, spreading the anti-corruption message far and wide. The Internet disintermediates all traditional publishing platforms and media empires, bypassing their censorship and deceit. You reading this message is absolute proof that this novel public relations strategy works!


The key question is how you should respond to Q’s messages, as reasonable people may choose to differ in interpreting propaganda.


I believe that what Q is presenting us with is the end game of a process that has been in progress for decades. The assassination of JFK was a coup d’état initiated by “deep state” forces against the formal government. JFK was undoing the power of the private central banking cartel, and they moved to terminate him before he could complete the plan.


This is now the long-awaited counter-coup by American Patriots to re-establish the full original Republic. It is the “Second American Revolution”, whose goal is largely the same as the first one: freedom from unaccountable powers of aristocracy and transnational finance. Your Presidents should not all come from a small pool of privileged families.


How can we be reasonably certain Q is the “real deal”? From well over 2000 “crumbs” dropped by Q, there are dozens and dozens (likely over 100) of “confirmations” that have been set up by the Administration.!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y


Some are small and subtle (unlikely “coincidences” of spelling and timing of Q drops with Trump tweets), some enormous and unmissable (trailing the Korea agreement well in advance), and a few splendidly silly (like Q being challenged to put “tip top” into a Trump speech, and it happening!).


Those malevolent forces are now being uprooted, and justice is coming in an epic manner. This is absolutely unprecedented in our lifetime, and natural skepticism is warranted. It is merely my best reading of the situation, meant as a gift to you of my insight and intellect. Should it transpire that I am merely another gullible fool with a keyboard, then I readily accept the reputation consequences.

Anonymous ID: 34924d July 30, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.7261825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In 2016, the Intelligence and Justice communities emerged from the control of a vicious and obsessed President – (and he seemed like a colorless [no pun …] person, but basically an okay guy) – and watched as his former staff launched an aggressive attack on his successor. Then they watched him survive the attack, playing them all like so many pawns in a chess game. A strong Attorney General known to all of them returned to his post. Everyone now knew that this was the moment they had long been waiting for.


And the perpetrators are beginning to understand that this is the moment they had long feared. For all this time they’ve been camping on the beach, not looking out to sea. Now they are about to be overtaken by a giant orange tidal wave. And all those staffers who they had forced to commit crimes on their behalf, and the directors such as Adm. Rogers who were men and women of integrity, are surfing the leading edge of it.


No, “this is the real deal,” folks. This is going to happen, now. Grab your popcorn and enjoy.

Anonymous ID: 34924d July 30, 2019, 11:43 a.m. No.7261909   🗄️.is 🔗kun



One major blockade running interference not releasing the docs and their declassification was Dan Coats – the holdover of the coup plotters. He is out ergo the flow can now start in earnest.


Lastly – word has it that it was none other Dan Coats who wrote the anonymous op-ed last year in the NYT working inside the wire resisting. So yeah – it makes lot of sense.


I hold off on Gina Haspel who was the CIA station chief in 2016 when all this went down so she has also a big motive to gum up the declassification.


August is known as the ‘hot’ month and it will get really hot now as the congress critters are on vacation and the DOJ/Durham/Huber have to floor.


No wonder Pelosi and Cummings are in Italy trying to stop co-operation with the 5Eyes members although as the Italian leader loudly stated that he is with president Trump. He gave a great speech putting Merkel, Macron and Juncker out to pasture.


The declassification is now in progress to move forward all-the-while congress is on vacation!


Brennan and Comey have already been indicted by the grand juries and I wouldn’t be surprised if they are the first ones being arrested.


One more thing that appears strange: Both Hussein and Michelle both silently deleted and erased/cleansed their twitter and other social media accounts that had anything to do with HRC including messages sent by her. It appears these two know something big is dropping involving HRC.


But remember: “declassification is purposeful,” and Barr has been granted the authority not only to select what is to be declassified, but where to send it. I personally do not expect him to send much of it, if any, “to the general public.” Not until indictments have been sworn out and unsealed, and quite possibly not until trials have commenced. (This hypothesis is based on Court standards concerning pre-trial disclosures.) If the Grand Juries have seen indisputable information that no one in the public has yet seen, then it will be very difficult to say that they were biased. The authors who want to write New York Times® Best Sellers will simply have to wait a little while longer. 😀


Right now there are enough known Federal investigations, all under Barr’s watchful eye, and enough private lawsuits, to ensure that “Payback Time™ Is Coming.” The grand conspiracy is unraveling, and it’s the people who work inside the Intelligence and Justice communities who are driving the bus. Judges have been given cases to try and rulings to make. Honest Admirals have been given digital proof of crimes and the ability to act against them – and honorably did so.


(Now, honest victims wait for their names to be cleared …)

Anonymous ID: 34924d July 30, 2019, 11:48 a.m. No.7262005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If Barr is really a straight shooter and he appears to be one, he would be approaching this whole investigation very carefully. He has to know he is up against the swamp denizens and they are ruthless and fighting for their lives. Everything must be done by the book, be detailed, thorough, fair, and complete. The issue of not announcing investigations is part and parcel of that. If Whitaker let it slip, he violated those rules. I don’t think Barr put him up to that. However, it makes sense that the Archy memos are coming out this week and Whitaker was going for a couple of attaboys by indicating what we will all know in a couple of days. Just an advance notice.


But the overall timing for Barr and Durham has to be in conjunction with the IG report, the Archey memos adjudicated to be released, and the Grand Jury information. Which comes first and how does it affect the others?


It seems to me the IG report is being hidden by Dan Coats. That will end on Aug 15th but it may take some days after for Barr to plow through the roadblock. I wouldn’t think the Grand Jury has had enough time to indict anyone so far. So the timing is release of the Archey memos early August, release of the IG report late August, and Grand Jury indictments shortly after that. Once we get an indictment, the ball will be rolling downhill.