Q is eating dinner…
things are calming down for now…
as the storm bears down…
meme cannon locked and load…
Let the Crusade Begin!
Q is eating dinner…
things are calming down for now…
as the storm bears down…
meme cannon locked and load…
Let the Crusade Begin!
Here we have Q DROPS in meme form…
Ain't that a Bitch! :D
Moar Q DROPS as little fluttery memographix…
I bet burns and stings?
and moar Q drops in meme form!
It is like a nightmare isn't it?
It just keeps getting worse and worse…
These are news article memographix and they represent actual verifiable happenings = these things actually happened unlike muh ugh uhm fritz springmeier ala BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI uhm muh ugh muh alex jones uh cannot think for self muh ugh this book has all the answers! muh ugh ugh
this may excite some anons imagination…
look at it!
it hurts my eyes…
who need the media!?!?
I am the news meow!
where you at muh "fritz was framed!" faggot fren?
I am an anon just like you!
all I know is fake maga anon… I would not want to be [you] going up against muh :D
no go do some muh joo shilling make yourself feel better… kek
and even blind squirrels find a nut every now and then…
blasphemy! kek
for reference material :D
not notable anon!
this point the finger at muh church and muh faiths!
yet the facts of diplomatic immunity for predator priests who never have to be put on the Sex offend registry are correct all day long…
muh joo apologists says what? for $2000 alex…
as if that makes up for the fact that baker was a blatant anti semite?
look at those notables
that is a fucking disgrace
these Inner shills are holding this movement back FAR MOAR than any media outlet could ever imagine…
fuck you
Unlike you… I care about coming correct… uh huh!?!?!? and your stupid fucking anime bs…
how much does the VATICAN pay [you]?
get to molest children for free?
no!!!! ya think?!!?!?
not that far…
these are among the mofo's who should be afraid to walk down the fucking street anons!