Nice job anon. I appreciate your wisdom on this, and keep it up. One thing that helps me is to quickly indicate that the conversation will not head in the typical direction of Fox vs. CNN talking points. I warm to them by admitting Fox news runs misinfo just like I accuse CNN of doing. I don't necessarily talk about CNN's constant misinfo and more sinister disinfo, though.
I basically help them to see that the govt is a uniparty that was working against us until Trump was elected. 9/11 is a good redpill, especially WTC 7. Sandy Hook and Parkland are good for exposing the actors. I'm all pro-1st Amend, but point out that the second is meant to protect the first.
After a short while, when their guard is let down because I'm not getting emotional, they realize that the MSM has been focusing on trite, fabricated issues to dumb down the populace, and they realize they are hungry for the truth. I give them enough to keep them interested, but not too much to overwhelm them, bore them, or make them think I'm a nut.
They test how nutty you are: "So, do you think we went to the moon?" Well, I have my doubts, but if it was faked, it was meant to help bankrupt the Soviet Union, which is good. However, what's not good is the fake school shootings.
A person could be an intelligent physician, but not be learned in economics, law, or politics, so they don't understand what goes on behind the scenes. For example, "Trump spends too much time away from the white house, and it's expensive." I tell them that the white house was likely bugged. That's something that never occurred to them. Then, maybe I point out Obama's wasteful trips, which the media had no problem with.
A purple hair PP whale I won't waste my time talking with.