Lost Ten Tribes
Tribe of Dan-Danish-Danube
Issacs Sons - sacs sons- saxons - anglo-saxons
Here's a couple of my older posts for you to purview.
Thank you anon.
Can anyone see the stories in the news that are about to be imminently flipped?
The MSM is absolutely salivating over several stories that have been put out recently.
They all make Republicans look awful.
I will name one- the Cambridge/Facebook shithole. After watching this board I understand precisely what is going on.
Do you?
Here it is! We are right!
https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-19/74-americans-believe-deep-state-running-country
>we all know jews dominate many professional scientific sectors - is that a conspiracy or are they just outperforming? seems obvious dont be envious or spiteful
It's VERY MUCH a conspiracy.
Have you seen the state of Western Science compared to Russian Science? Russians have the United States beat in many ways because they are willing to integrate the entire body of knowledge into any particular pursuit.
One example I will cite for you is the use of Vitamin C to cure polio. The Jews won't allow that because it cuts into "profits".
Jews won't investigate demons or tell the public that demons are real, because they are part and parcel with them.
I strongly suggest you get the fuck off of this particular board. We are looking for TRUTH not for MUH FEELZ MUH FEELZ MUH FEELZ types!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good to hear only one more step.
I don't have quite enough info to answer the rest of your questions though, although I DO know that there is a scandal brewing at the SC because of Ruth Bader Ginsburg replacing someone killed by the Clinton machine, Anthony Kennedy, I don't have any sauce on him and Sonya Soothsayer is corrupt as hell.
John Roberts is in a mess himself because he's got adopted Italian Children that are undocumented and that leaves him vulnerable to blackmail.
I'm honestly not sure who sits on the SC that ISN'T comped.
I would like to know how the courts are shown to be corrupt… we all know that they are.
>There is so much to learn and unlearn.
I am unsatabily curious. This is ALL I do. No TV… no video, love reading books…. can read over 1000 wpm and get 80% or better comprehension on tests.
Been doing this for almost 25 years now, going back to Windows 95 and the dawn of the Internet for the common man. I'm not too much older than that either. Television wasn't even allowed in my home growing up.
My basic background is as a mechanic, engineering tech, and organic gardener. I think logically, truthfully, and things MUST fit together to be accepted as the truth. The world is a rational world, and cause/effect is real.
I hunt for the truth… always the truth… through the lens of the Bible and what is good and true. Many of my beliefs would be roundly rejected by my friends… but they haven't stopped to THINK THINK THINK about things. So I find solace on the chan.
I do have my own board with 70+ graphics on it.
If you want to keep in touch I suggest commenting on this board and I would be glad to help you out any way I can. Give me up to 24 hours to respond as I am not on here all the time.
Please don't shit post there and it's not an alternative to Q-research, just a repository for my graphics and a place for hints, tips, and light conversation.
Thank you for posting. I really like Mark Taylor. People have NO IDEA what's coming down the pike. Like…. the United States is the Safe Place in the Tribulation. Mind blowing shit like that.
You fucking idiots who think that Trump Loves the Synagogue of Satan because of that picture of him praying at the Western Wall are absolutely delusional. There's SO MANY MORE than just those kikes who worship at the Western Wall.
Did you see him with a fucking cube on his head? Now if he'd did that I'd think he'd lost his mind… but no… he didn't…. the Bible does talk about covering your head and humbling yourself in prayer.
So you fucking idiots who are making a rap song of your Tallly Muddddy piece of shit book can all go to HELL.
But before you do that please come
Just as you're commanded to do in Revelations 2:9 and 3:9!!!!!
thank you anon….
Here's one of my favorite ditties.
Sing it to myself nearly daily.
123 Jesus Loves Me
12 Jesus Loves You
34 He Loves You More
Than you've ever been loved before
567 We're going to Heaven
89 Mansions Mine
9 10 Time to End but let's sing it all over again.
The bleeding edge isn't the time for research.
If you want to research and learn from this board wait until the bread is full and then turn on Tree Mode.
You'll weed out ALOT of the shills and wasted shit doing that.
Be liberal with the FILTER ID and ID+…. really helps.
I love the bleeding edge so that's why I'm here. I also use older boards for research when I actually want to make graphics and such.
Very correct.
Now if you were able to put 2 and 2 together you'll figure out what brings the Chinese to the Middle East.
Same thing that brought Joseph's family to Egypt. Same country even.
Look up the grain warehouses being built in Egypt.
You are very wrong. Observe. Listen. Learn. Watch. FOR YOURSELF.
And tell your liberal friends to GTFO.