July 24, 2015: CNN Wolf Blitzer interview with James Comey - snippet
Wolf Blitzer: "Last uh April, you were the keynote speaker, I was there in Washington, at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum Dinner, and you delivered a brilliant speech. But one of the things that stood out in my mind, you explained to everyone there why every FBI agent, every FBI intelligence analyst, has to go visit the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, in Washington, and study it. And I want you to share that story with our friends here."
James Comey: "Yeah um they go for two reasons. First, we want them to see, in a gut-wrenching nauseating way, what the abuse of power, on an almost unimaginable scale, looks and feels like, because we’re about to give them extraordinary power. And then as a second reason, that um, is I want them to see what we are capable of. I want them to understand what human beings are capable of. That we are, um, that one of our greatest strengths is our ability to convince ourselves of the righteousness of our own cause. And one of our greatest weaknesses is our capacity to surrender our moral authority to the group, so it can be hijacked by the least common denominator. I want them to stare at that and understand the weaknesses that we all share, because they are about to have tremendous power. And I want them to have a sense of that in a way that will last with them their whole career. "
Oh I bet.