I tried explaining this logic to a liberal friend of mine and he felt like too many corporations got away with murder for so long they should pay more. I reminded him my small business is a corporation as are many small businesses. And I was like what about people like the my pillow guy who came from nothing and have an awesome company, why should they be penalized? And he shrugs his shoulders, still thinks people who worked their asses off should give it away. These people are idiots.
Just read and study the bible. All that weird stuff catholics do is not in the bible, you should read it (I was raised Catholic and did not know this till I actually read it). You don't need a church.
This liberal friend fascinates me because he's an engineer and so smart in other areas of life, but a complete idiot when it comes to politics.
Yeah but community can be meaning you chat with people you meet/know about what you've learned from the bible. Pray in private in your closet, share what you know. Bible really teaches a direct, private relationship with Jesus. He wants us to love Him above everyone else. That was my take. And share the info. If people want to hear it great. If they don't, it's on them. That's what I got out of it.
I'm pretty sure that's gotta be a division shill.