Anonymous ID: 06e7ec July 30, 2019, 8:53 p.m. No.7270390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7269569 /pb


Since the biblefags declined to at least address the theory…here is more meat to it…

When the (dragon that speaks as a lamb w/two horns) moral authority becomes WW mediator there will be a period of world peace.

After a time, the nations will realize the mediator has used them to gain more power, it will be destroyed; therefore, leading to the -return- of the Jewish Messiah, Christian Christ & Muslim Prophet. Yup, same guy (doesn't appear to everyone as the same)…the Creators Son.

Funny how the three main religions that have spread Monotheism all believe in one Creator.

Likely when Christ returns and performs miracles the hierarchy of each Monotheistic faith will declare him 'the Anti-Christ'.

Anonymous ID: 06e7ec July 30, 2019, 9:05 p.m. No.7270551   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is like your spouse telling you that he/she is willing to do w/e it takes for you not to beat the hell out of he/she…

Eternal life is to know the Creator.


Imagine going to Heaven without actually wanting to know the Creator… HE will be everywhere. In everyone's face if you like it or not. Those that just want to be left alone, it would be like Hell…