Jesus performed the last supper. He made the metaphor of the bread & wine being him, that we partake, as the ultimate sacrifice. He turned those tables on the Baal/Devil worshippers - and instead of human sacrifice sating the devil who will never be fully sated - he offered the Godly sacrifice - paying for us all. Debt of our sins paid. Our partaking is a sign of faith or acceptance on our part of His sacrifice. A religion, an act in that religion, does not substantiate or validate it. It is inherently validated by prophecy, proclamation, faith, and the fact of it itself.
Stated by black sheep adult who turned back on Catholic faith and rejected by family members for doing so. Not attacking those of Catholic faith. I just decided to dig deeper, and read the bible a few times, and do church hopping, research, and actually be open minded about the fact that religion being used as a tool against us.
Jesus, is a true anomaly. The book Beautiful Outlaw is a great testament to the analysis of who Jesus is, with plenty of biblical reference.