>>7269364 all lb
The Transubstantiation ritual isn't what they tell you it is.
Who else drinks blood and eats flesh of the divine? Satanists.
Is that what Catholics have in common with Satanists - cannibalism?
Now learn about Easter. How has it been corrupted? Fertility. We praise rabbits - what do rabbits do (popularly - at least the meme side)? Eggs. What are Eggs? Fertility shells. I can go on for days.
Ishtar, Luna, Tanit AND SO MUCH MORE.
You, as a "Catholic", worship the above in the "Mother" Mary (it was suppose to have been Mary Magdalene. read her bible). In your "God" you worship Jahweh, Baal and Osiris. Who are the Jesuits?
Finally, the biggest one:
What organization does the Queen of England belong to? Fuck the lead - it's the Knights of Malta. Queen is a Dame of Malta.
>It all makes sense now.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.