Getting more and more into the reports of John Solomon (reporter and CPI of The Hill, plus regular Hannity contributor). His reports seem to directly contradict Q when it comes to Wray at the FBI. If Wray is a sleeper like Q seems to indicate, then, Solomon either didn’t get the memo or Wray is playing his role so well, Solomon thinks Wray is actively interfering with Barr/Durham getting and publicly releasing critical docs. There are court case(s) going on trying to block said doc releases.
The other thing Solomon was pushing today was a bit of info saying declas is not going to occur this week because of the shakeup at the ODNI. Again, Q tells us Barr was selected to control declas to avoid a blockade with ODNI.
Other people,like PapaD infer documents will come out Wednesday.
So, is JS listening to the wrong people or is Wednesday declas another round of disinformation?
Will be interesting to learn which is correct in the hours ahead.